
Good, bad, futile. What can be the Russian opposition and how to use it to the Ukrainian

Analyst Valery Baker calls not to wait too much of the Russian opposition. On the example of the last speech of Elijah Yashin, he believes, we are convinced again: there are no "good Russian", are useful and harmful. I see a lot of experiences in the tape that Russian opposition policies have been in prison for the exchange of Russian opposition policies and the need to withdraw sanctions, and they did not say anything about Ukraine. I do not see the reasons for experiences here. Conclusions.

First, we must stop complaining about the world that it is not as we want. All politicians around the world are cynical falls that think only of their power, at best - about their voters. They are killed, and this is the norm, not a deviation. Secondly, if we are not noticed, we need to increase our own subjectivity. It is necessary to actively offer the world our picture of the end of the war and the post -war system, explaining and selling its advantages.

I wrote about the strengthening of Ukrainian diplomacy a hundred times, I will not be repeated. Third, we must finally become your own for the West-to demonstrate real steps in the directions of democracy, an effective state and a free economy. Do not try to constantly deceive partners - it is very straining. To send them a clear signal that we are part of their tribe. The fourth, at each site in the west and east, on every stage and a stand where there are Russians, should be Ukrainians.

We have no right to leave the field without a fight. We must contrast our discourse in Russian at every point that we can reach. Fifth. Stop looking for "good Russians" and upset that they are not the way you want. Our potential allies in the fight against the empire are only those who want to collapse. National liberation movements, regionalist independent movements, as well as a very small number of Russians who understand that Russia has a future only after the end of the empire.