
"Sowed panic among men": How Zelensky is looking for a recharge for the Armed Forces - WP

The unsuccessful actions of the Ukrainian leadership led to the fact that some men are hiding from mobilization, said correspondent Shwon O'Grandy with The Washington Post. Ukrainian conscripts are hiding from representatives of military enlistment offices trying to recruit new fighters to the Armed Forces.

At the same time, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and military command cannot yet find a way to increase the army and strengthen the resistance of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The details of mobilization in Ukraine were told on the portal The Washington Post. On the portal, the article of the chief correspondent in Ukraine is the Siobhán O'grady, which wrote almost 200 materials on the Russian-Ukrainian war.

The correspondent noted that Zelensky convinces the partners about the possibility of the Armed Forces to fight further if they were provided with all the necessary weapons. Meanwhile, Ukraine was unable to establish an effective mobilization system. According to her, the army is not replenished with new soldiers who will fight Western weapons against Russian invaders. "The army suffers from a failure of recruitment and sowed panic among military ages.

Some of whom were hiding, concerned about being called to a poorly equipped army and will be sent to a right death," the material reads. O'Grandy noted that about 4,000 amendments were introduced to the Mobilization Law on the mobilization, which is considered in the Verkhovna Rada. According to the interlocutors from Ukraine, this testifies to Zelensky's attempt to "shift responsibility to parliament for inevitably unpopular decisions.

" "President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his higher military command have not yet been able to develop a clear plan for the call or recruitment of many thousands of new soldiers, critically needed to protect against Russia's constant attacks," the correspondent wrote. The article provides a story of a evidence that can be touched by changes in Ukrainian laws.

The 31-year-old man told how he was playing the first summons, then received the second, which was indicated to appear in the territorial staffing center the next day. However, he did not go to the military enlistment office, as he had an attack of a "panic attack. " He also stressed that he did not mind going to the army, but exclusively to the Non -Business Position. The reason for this position is the fear that he knows nothing about the army and therefore will be killed in the first battle.

The correspondent spoke with several people's deputies from the Voice Party and European Solidarity, who are working on edit on the mobilization bill. The people's deputies explain their proposals: it is necessary to focus on better preparation of recruits, not to strengthen punitive measures for evasion. The MP from the party Voice Yaroslav Yurchyshyn explained how they plan to encourage the army. In particular, people will not be pressed or punished. Instead, they want to motivate financially.

"The deputies are looking for a" relevant motivation mechanism "to encourage the call, including bonuses for the destruction of Russian equipment and new financial benefits for veterans," the correspondent staged the position of the People's Deputy. It should be noted that from the end of January 2024 in Parliament have been working on edits to the bill No. 10449 on mobilization and military service. The proposals consider the updated list of reasons for delay.