
Only the "tail" survived: the students burned the Mi-8 helicopter in the Russian Federation, they promised 5 million (photos)

At the airfield of the Russian Federation, the Mi-8 helicopter was burned in Noyabrsk, worth almost 300 million rubles, journalists say. The arson made two minors who allegedly promised 5 million rubles. The children were detained because they went to the doctors because of the burns obtained during diversion. Two Russian students intentionally burned the Mi-8 helicopter, which stood at the airfield in Noyabrsk in the Yamalo-Nenets district of the Russian Federation.

The burnings were careless, so they received burns and went to the doctors. Meanwhile, the helicopter was completely burned, although it was filled with fire foam. The details of the emergency event in the Russian territory were told in the Telegram channel Baza. Baza journalists with reference to their own sources reported the incident at Noyabrsk Airport. As it turned out, on the night of September 11, the Mi-8 helicopter was completely burned here.

Two students aged 13 and 14 years are responsible for this. The students were tasked with an unknown person who promised them 5 million rubles. (about $ 36 thousand at the NBU rate) for the destruction of Russian equipment. The teenagers agreed to the proposal and came to the airport with the canister of the flammable substance. With this substance, they poured a helicopter, and before diversion they decided to light a cigar.

Then they tried to set fire to the device, but from the first cigar he did not start. Then they threw a friend, but the outbreak was so strong that the boys received burns, it is reported in the Baza post. In the photo from the scene we see the remains of a helicopter, flooded with fire foam. At the site of the cabin and screws you can see the void, and only the tail of the Mi-8 was preserved from the fire. The students responsible for the arson were detained, told journalists.

The children sought help from doctors, and they called law enforcement. During the interrogation, it became clear that for this diversion with Mi-8, which costs almost 200 million rubles, they promised 5 million rubles. There were other, slightly cheaper "orders". For example, they seemed to pay 30 thousand rubles. For the arson of the mobile tower. Baza did not report if teenagers really received payments for the diversions.

The Telegram-channel of the regional administration of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Yamalo-Nenets district has no reports on the incident with the Mi-8. The event was also not commented by Governor Dmitry Artyukhov. About the arson was written in the local channel "Yamal-Media": the authors noted that teenagers received burns of mild severity. The distance from the borders of Ukraine to the Regional Aerodrome "Noyabrsk" is more than 2 700 km.

Meanwhile, on September 6, the head of the Ministry of Defense reported that the defense forces have long -range drones capable of reaching a maximum distance of 1 800 km. It should be noted that in January, Focus wrote about diversion on the Russian railway in Lower Tagilil. Unknown persons put explosives in a capacity for fuel transportation. The explosion was such a force that the hole in the centimeter layer of metal was evidenced by the frames from the scene.