
Lukashenko asked Prigogine not to unleash the bloody slaughterhouse in

Shortly after the negotiation, Prigogine stated that he was returning his mercenaries to field camps. Oleksandr Lukashenko negotiated with the head of the Wagner PEC Yevgeny Prigogin, the press service of the politician reports. It happened after the morning, June 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin informed his Belarusian colleague about the situation in southern Russia and Demarsh mercenaries. "Negotiations continued throughout the day.

As a result, agreements on the inadmissibility of the bloody slaughterhouse in Russia. Yevgeny Prigogin accepted the proposal of President of Belarus Oleksandr Lukashenko to stop the movement of armed Wagner company in Russia and further steps on de -escalation. The table is an absolutely advantageous and acceptable option to resolve the situation, with safety guarantees for the Wagner PEC fighters, ”Lukashenko added. For his part, Prigogine suddenly stated that he changed his mind to Moscow.

"Understanding the responsibility that Russian blood will be spilled, we turn our columns and go to field camps according to the plan. " Earlier it was reported that Lukashenko's plane flew to Turkey. However, it is unknown whether the politician was on board. For their part, the opposition forces urged Belarusians to prepare for the fact that Lukashenko's dictatorship would soon need to be dictated.