
Ukraine has hopes for India in finding a peace agreement with the Russian Federation - Politico

According to the publication, despite the neutral position of India on the condemnation of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, New Deli consistently advocates the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as for the faster termination of hostilities. Ukraine sees in India its chief ally, who is able to play a key role in finding a peace agreement with Russia. India Prime Minister Narindra Modi, according to Kiev, can be a mediator that will help resolve a long conflict.

Politico writes about it. The recent meeting of President Vladimir Zelensky with fashion in New York has strengthened diplomatic links between countries. Possible ways to a peace agreement were discussed, which would satisfy both parties. According to an anonymous Ukrainian source, India becomes one of Kyiv's main hopes for achieving a stable and just peace that will not require the concessions of territories in favor of Russia.

"Within the limits of the diplomatic relations, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with fashion on Monday evening in New York, during which two leaders and their environment discussed ways to achieve a peace agreement," the newspaper writes. In recent months, India has changed its position in the eyes of the Ukrainian leadership.

While meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in July caused indignation in Kiev, Ukrainians began to revise their attitude to the role of India in the conflict. Fashion, at the same time, emphasized that the termination of the war should not include territorial concessions, although Ukraine may have to make some compromises. "In the eyes of Kyiv, fashion went a long way in a short time.

When he visited Moscow in July and hugged with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the reaction of Kiev was burden. -"A huge disappointment and a devastating blow on peaceful efforts,"-writes Politico weeks after his trip to Moscow caused dissatisfaction with Ukrainians, fashion went to Kiev to meet Zelensky. He vowed to be a "friend" of Kiev and help conclude a peace agreement, " - writes the publication.

India is now considered as perhaps the only global state that has sufficient neutrality and influence to perform the role of mediator in relations between Kiev and Moscow. Unlike Switzerland and Austria, which supported the sanction policy of the European Union, keeps neutrality, which makes it unique against other potential mediators. Russia's support in the military conflict, and the recent statement of Zelensky to Brazil has only intensified tension.

India's Foreign Affairs Jayshankar during a visit to Malaysia in March. - They will act as intermediaries in relations with Ukraine. During his visit to Germany, Jayshankar said at the beginning of this month that India was "concerned and involved" in attempts to find a way to end the war, and confirmed that "proposals" were made "on holding his own peaceful summit in India.

Any such negotiations should include Russia, he added, rejecting the idea of ​​a Swiss-style peace conference without the Kremlin. "Zelensky has long rejected any proposals that provide Ukraine with the land, and fiercely struck a peace plan of six points offered by China and Brazil, which does not mention the preservation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine. India did not participate in this regard", " writes Politico.