
The army of 20 cm spiders from China is preparing to capture the United States: Monsters will go down on parachutes

Researchers have found that an incredible number of spiders of Deri flies along the eastern coast of America and is actively spreading to the west of the continent. Spider Der is a kind of poisonous spiders originally from Asia, and these giant spiders reach incredible sizes = about 20 centimeters. And today, this "Army of Poisonous Spiders" is trying to capture the United States, gradually spreading to its "parachutes" made of the web, writes Daily Mail.

Researchers warn that these poisonous spiders can fly from 80 to 160 kilometers in a row, using a spider web and sliding in the wind. It is known that today they have already reached the east coast and spread to the West, but scientists still cannot say whether they will be a problem for the local population and pets. In focus. Technology has appeared its Telegram channel.

Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! According to the ecologist from the Lokwood laboratory at Rutgers University in New Jersey Jose Ramires-Garofalo, it is still unclear what the impact of a giant spider can do on local wildlife. Researchers say that this species is invasive and first appeared in the United States about 10 years ago, suggested that in the near future poisonous spiders can spread throughout the states.

Last month, environmentalists and entomologists from New York, Tennessee, Texas and South Carolina have combined their efforts to predict how quickly and how far this poisonous invasive species can spread. Unfortunately, the results are disappear - the spiders of Deri will probably spread the whole continental part of the United States, Canada and even some parts of Mexico, which is already suffering from the locust invasion.

It should be noted that the impact of poisonous spiders of this species on humans or pets has not been documented earlier, but scientists fear that the impact of spiders on the wild will have serious consequences. In order to better learn the issues, scientists have collected several samples and compared the climate between the regions of North America, which today capture spiders and their usual habitats in Japan, China, Korea and Taiwan.

The authors of the study hope that their work will force the Scientific Society and local authorities to pay attention to this invasion, as well as to study the issue of the impact of poisonous spiders on the wild and local ecosystems. Despite the fact that the spiders are poisonous, scientists believe that they do not pose a threat to people, dogs and cats.

It is also suggested that these giant spiders will not attack unless they feel the threat-in fact, there is no documented case or any medical records of their bites. At the same time, according to the arachnologist of their Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Paul Cushing, the spiders of Der eat flies, mosquitoes and stinking insects, and therefore they may even be useful. As a result, some researchers suggest that these poisonous spiders can actually become "hidden blessing" for farmers.