
Ukrainian tanks Leopard 2A4 entered a duel with Russians near Kurakhov (video)

Russian troops threw whole battalions in the Donetsk region, trying to break into Kurakhov. The "warm" meeting for the invaders was organized by the soldiers of the 79th separate landing brigade, which is equipped with experienced anti-tank rockets and drone operators. The Russian troops advanced only a quarter of a mile (about 400 km) of the ruins of the city of Maximilyanivka and continued their slow and expensive march to the city of Kurakhovo, located three kilometers to the west.

The seizure of these 400 m costs the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of hundreds of soldiers in one of the most bloodiest days in the 32 months with Ukraine. The Ukrainian General Staff in Kiev reported on Sunday of more than 1700 losses of Russians - killed, wounded and captured. As well as about the equipment destroyed in the melee. Forbes writes about it. "Fighting in the Donetsk region is a microcosm for a larger war. The Russians win, in the sense that they are slowly gaining force.

But they also lose more troops than can mobilize. Moscow has organized an accession to the war of a large number of North Korean soldiers. meat, " - says the author of the material David ex. The recent fights in the Kurakhiv direction were close and cruel. In the south of the sector, Russian motorized rim regiments and crews threw 19 combat vehicles and four tanks towards the positions of the Ukrainian 79th Airborne Assault Brigade.

The 79th Airborne Stole Brigade is equipped with experienced anti-tank missilers and drone operators. On Sunday, they took the battle. "Our paratroopers have once again organized a warm meeting for the invaders," the brigade reported. The 79th Airborne Brigade said she destroyed five Russian combat vehicles and a tank, as well as killed 24 Russians. "The surviving armored vehicles were frightened by our anti -tank missile systems and percussion drones - and ran away," the Ukrainian military said.

In the north of the sector, the Russians were more fortunate. Ukrainian 33 mechanized brigade, equipped with reinforced Leopard 2A4 tanks, defeated the Russian avant-garde. "Leopards" have shot several Russian vehicles with 120 mm guns. However, some Russian soldiers managed to capture the western outskirts of Maximilyanivka and strengthen Russia's control over the destroyed city.

At least one Ukrainian analyst has evaluated recent Russian successes as proof that Ukraine is losing the war on exhaustion. "The trend is negative if no radical measures are taken," - warned the founder of the Frontelligence Insight analytical group, who writes under Nick Tatarigam (the character of Genshin Impact, a curse that kills enemies - ed. ). But the Russians in stress. The Kremlin recruits about 30,000 new soldiers every month - and loses 30,000 soldiers on a monthly basis.

Desperately trying to avoid the additional round of the call, which would be extremely unpopular, the regime of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin negotiated with Kim Jong In about the accession of thousands of North Korean soldiers to hostilities. And at the same time, none of the allies of Ukraine launched combat forces in the country. This imbalance may be critical.

"If the number of mobilized in Ukraine continues to decline, and Russia will be able to continue monthly recruitment (in particular, possibly North Korean soldiers), the situation will continue to worsen unless only foreign partners of Ukraine provide more support," - said Rob Lee, analyst from the research institute. Foreign policy in Philadelphia. We will remind, earlier Focus wrote about how Russians from all over the country into the army are lured in the Russian Federation.