
How bees will help Ukrainians during the war: a new invention of scientists

Bees can help Ukrainians when refrigerators do not work and have no electricity, journalists said. British and Ukrainian researchers propose to use wax and propolis in particular. Ukrainians who suffer from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation can try to save products with antimicrobial packaging from wax, propolis and sage. In addition, it is possible to pack food for servicemen who in the field can not reach the refrigerator.

The details of the new invention of scientists of the United Kingdom and Ukraine were told on the BBC portal. As it turned out, Professor Les Bailey from the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Cardiff University of Great Britain and Ukrainian scientist Yulia Yudina of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" worked on the invention.

Scientists are trying to create an antimicrobial food film that could be wrapped in products and they would be stored for a long time. This opportunity will be useful for Ukrainians who suffer from the destruction of energy through shelling of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Ukraine is one of the largest manufacturers of honey and with the help of bees will be possible to survive times without electricity, scientists believe.

"Finding the right wax with the right properties, there is a chance to extend the shelf life of the products," Bailey explained. How to save products with bees? To do this, you need to take materials that are commonly used for packaging - cardboard, paper, and cotton fabric. After that, they need to be treated with substances from bee hive - wax and propolis. The next step is to wrap the products and seal the packaging with a bee.

The additional substance that can be used is sage, scientists are recommended. How to act with bees: "Continuous shutdowns of electricity have led to a large amount of food, as people could not store it properly. This is especially important for people who live in conflict areas that are already relying on limited food supplies," - It is in the article of the Cardiff University. The closest task that Bailey and Yudin set out to write a special guide for Ukrainians.

Thanks to the manual, Ukrainians learn how to store products using bees in conditions where, due to the amount of air defense forces, the Russians destroyed energy. It should be noted that from March 22, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has carried out eight massive shelling of Ukraine's energy system. As a result, 9 GW Generation was lost, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in June 2024.