
Invisible War: Ukraine and the Russian Federation use electromagnetic waves to fight drones - NYT

According to journalists, new methods of electronic struggle have transformed a war in Ukraine into a "proxy laboratory", which are closely monitored by the US, Europe and China. Ukraine and Russia are actively using drones in hostilities against each other. But the troops also have electromagnetic weapons that fight the enemy drones, which is carefully monitored in the US and China. About it writes The New York Times.

According to journalists, in Ukraine the battle in the invisible world of electromagnetic waves, where radio signals are used to suppress the channels of communication with drone and troops, determining the location of goals and deception of managed weapons. "This tactic, known as an electronic war, has become a game of mouse between Russia and Ukraine, invisibly causing fluctuations in 21 months of conflict and forcing engineers to adapt," the newspaper writes.

According to Senior Researcher at the Hudson Brian Clark Institute, the electronic war influenced the fighting in Ukraine just as the weather and the terrain. Yes, a full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation is the first conflict between two large and developed armies that widely use the methods of radio electronic struggle and develop methods in real time.