
Not born for war: as the heroization of the army secured the fear of fighting Ukrainians

The writer Pavel Kazarin draws attention to the unexpected effect: the heroization of the army in the media and cinema led to the fact that Ukrainians are afraid to go to war because they do not believe that they are capable of such feats. Meanwhile, the army is 90 percent of a regular routine where there is a place for ordinary people. I'm not born for war. I did not meet at all in the war of those who were born for her.

In the mouth with which I began to serve were a school teacher, Ivano-Frankivsk and circus mimes from Kiev. I saw tractors and marketers in the army. Businessmen and bartenders. Pasks and one hundred owners. Perhaps the fact is that I did not have time to put in the personnel army. She won us time in 2022. She kept the front until everyone who came to the military enlistment offices in the first days after the invasion was rapidly trained.

And then the ratio of mobilized and personnel became such that the army turned into a people's. 25 months ago, I judged the war with movies and computer games. Don't repeat my mistakes. The war is not like either. We do not shoot from morning till evening. We do not perform feats in 24/7 mode. We do not necessarily look epic and definitely do not remind your favorite film heroes. When they make a movie about this war, we will not even be called in the mass. And I do not watch TV.

The fact is not that there are no stories about the army. The problem is that these stories do not have an army. Those who shoot the war every time fall into the same trap. In their materials, the superhumans create the superintendent: they storm the landings daily, keep the three of them against their mouths, feature feats and reveal for friends. The heroes of these stories can be admired. They can be adored. But it is impossible to correlate with them.

If I watched these plots, I would be incredibly afraid of the army. Each story resembles a blockbuster culmination. Every hero is a young Greek god. I would look at every material with a wonderful mixture of admiration and shame. And yet - with a sharp sense of inconsistency of yourself. And so - I would be sure that I was not born for war. In fact, the army life of most units by 90% consists of a routine and 10% of the extra. And routine is not only a sudden lull in the trenches.

This is the repair of machines and maintenance of equipment. Accounting and record keeping. Logistics and service. It is a huge number of specialties that need hands and brains, brains and hands. But the peculiarity that journalists bring stories from the army only about the same 10% of the outzil who inspire the viewer Pyette and fear. As a result, the army falls into the glorification trap. The media created two opposite moods in the country.

The first: "Army is the territory of heroes who perform feats. " The second: "I'm not like them, and therefore it's not for me. " As a result, the army heads the rating of trust, the streets are hidden by recruiting billboards, and people run from stories. Those who wanted to become heroes - they have long become. Those who dreamed of glory and career - just now get one and the other. Appeal to them senseless, all these people have already managed to dress in pixel.

The heroization of service in the army is no longer needed. Routinization is required. The army is an employer who pays high - by the standards of the country - salaries. And she pays them not only for the victory over the Nemean Lion and the Lerney Hydra. She pays them to those who sharpen the Hercules sword, repairs him with a snag and fills in a log of feats. She pays her to the sergeant on the Ministry of Defense - which, according to the distribution, gives a shovel to clean the Avgian Stables.

Senior technique - which monitors Diomeda's horses. Relationships - who have a breakdown of Hercules and adjust the "nettle" on the tablet. But all these people remain under the radars of the Ukrainian media. All our content about the army hints that Hercules is fighting on its own. What is the only way to be near him is to be proportional to him. That the army is a place for semi -bogs that can only be admired at a distance.

And this gives rise to a distortion that makes the idea of ​​mobilization impossible. In media, emotions are oil. The one who gained them and the one. Therefore, the media is chosen from the variety of army stories that are capable of causing shock, thrill and sorrow. This is a great way to earn clickback. And it is absolutely out of charge - to sell the army as an employer. The everyday life of the army chef is incredibly ordinary.

The senior driver does not need a ball to repair the volunteer snag. The logist does not feature when he issues for the invoice. The clerk is not like Tony Stark at the time of filling in the next magazine. And from their stories, journalists are accustomed to waving. However, not journalists are one. Cinema has taught us to see in the war a feat and tragedy, an epic and death, the triumph of the spirit and the grandeur of the victim.

Computer games have taught that the 24/7 soldiers' weekdays consist of fire contact. If the fighter does not sleep, then shoots. If he does not shoot - sleeps. The third assault has already understood this trap - and therefore the advertising billboards hangs an invitation to "work in the army". Because in the army you can really work. Do not win Thanos. Do not drill a meteorite. Do not blow up the "Star of Death. " To think, to cook borsch, to repair things.

Bonus you get a sense of belonging, the reason for self -esteem, privileges and status. But instead, we have been living in a situation of beaten optics for the third year. The higher the pedestal put us - the less people want to us. The more heroic describe our life - the less others want to share it with us. Before the war, we said that clickback hostage is common sense. But for the last three years, hostage of military clickback is a country.