
Tactics from the time of the USSR: the Russian Federation will enhance ethnic cleaning in occupation after "elections" - CNS

The Ukrainian underground stated that during the first stage of "cleaning" from the captured regions will displace Ukrainian patriots, after which they will be massively tried to deport to Russia. Russian invaders continue to prepare for the so -called presidential elections in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. After them, ethnic cleansing is possible. This was reported at the National Resistance Center on February 14.

According to the Ukrainian underground, the power of the enemy does not allow the Ukrainians to live quietly in the captured regions. She has chosen an ethnic cleaning strategy that only intensifies over time. "The first stage is to carry out systemic filtration measures to displace the patriotic population.

In the second stage, the Russians will massively deport Ukrainians into the territory of the Russian Federation, thus changing the ethnic composition of the Ukrainian territories," - the message reads. It was separately stated that the invaders will bring ethnic Russians to the place of Ukrainians in the occupied regions. All because of the complications of reintegration of temporarily occupied territories, they write in the CNS.

The strategy is far from new and has been used in the past enemy repeatedly. "This practice was used by the Soviet regime and successfully adopted Putin's Russia. The Ukrainian resistance captures anyone involved in crimes against our population. Every occupier, a traitor and a collaborator will inevitably be punished," - summed up in the center of national resistance.