Videos The released Kharkiv region meets Ukrainian military over a month ago In the last few weeks of the Armed Forces, many settlements in Kharkiv region have been released. Such a rapid counter -offensive under Kharkov ... ← Prev Post Next Post → Most Popular "Quite a painful process": Ignat told whether the air defense fighters were thro... "Quite a painful process": Ignat told whether the air defense fighters were thro... Preparation of Ukrainian Brigades and AVs Strengthening: Volodymyr Zelenskyy con... Preparation of Ukrainian Brigades and AVs Strengthening: Volodymyr Zelenskyy con... Everyday terror deserves more pressure on a terrorist: Russia must respond - Pre... Everyday terror deserves more pressure on a terrorist: Russia must respond - Pre... The President thanked the rescuers and police for helping Ukrainians affected by... We will definitely continue to strike on the Russian military infrastructure tha... Police cars on fire and feeer -heads in banks: Roszmi write about mass arson in ... We will definitely continue to strike on the Russian military infrastructure tha...