The focus gathered information from social networks and from Rissma to understand the incident. In December 2024, Danaya in Telegram-channel @danayaprigozhina wrote that she did not see her husband for 1 year 2 months and was very sad because of it, wrote in the Sota Telegram. At this time the post disappeared, the journalists were discovered. Along with the post, the channel disappeared, and now the Russians cannot make sure that Prigogine's son -in -law is not all right.
"There is no news, I do not want to hibernate on this topic. Every time, more and more questions," Danaya wrote. The media tried to find out the details and wrote Danai on Instagram. The Russian did not explain anything. Instead, she posted a photo with a red cross and an angry post that she would not comment. Meanwhile, it is not noticeable on her social network page that a woman remembers a missing man. We see entertainment, cosmetic procedures, liposuction, photos with son.
In Roszma, "Starchit" said they had talked to Prigogin about the disappearance of son -in -law. The producer confirmed that he disappeared a year ago, and the body has not been found yet. He doubts that after such a long absence, the story will end well. The Russian hinted to journalists that the circumstances of the disappearance, but "do not want to talk about it. " In Roszm, information about the Eugene Service was not published.
However, the media "Novaya newspaper of Europe" wrote that it disappeared in the Kupyansk direction. "A year, of course, has a chance. I know some of the circumstances in which he disappeared, but so far I do not want to talk about it in detail," the journalists of the word Prigogine. The article also shared some details of the life of the family of famous Russians. In particular, the media wrote that the son of Daniel was born in the summer of 2022.
At the same time, December 2023 Eugene enrolled in a volunteer and went to fight in Ukraine. Also in Roszm tell a slightly different story of a combination to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. According to another version, the son -in -law was grabbed on the street, brought to the military enlistment office and mobilized, although because of the birth of the child he had the right not to serve.
The Mash channel, meanwhile, reported a conversation with a Russian who served in one part with Joseph Prigoine's son -in -law. According to the anonymous soldier of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Yevgeny Tkachenko, the intelligence officer-machine gun, in October 2023 he came under a shelling in the area of Osipivka near Kupyansk. There he was seriously injured and failed to get out. Meanwhile, relatives were called and they should know what happened more than a year ago.
In the photo in the channel you can see how the mobilized son -in -law looked in the last hours before disappearance. It should be noted that in July 2024, focus wrote about some events in the life of Joseph Prigoin. The Russian producer, who supports the invasion of the Russian Federation, left Russia. Valery's wife wrote that they were heading to Belgrade and did not specify what purpose and how long.
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