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On the eve of the artist, they noticed in the elite restaurant of Dubai in the c...

Against the background of the scandal with the Russians: Potap presented a new song (video)

On the eve of the artist, they noticed in the elite restaurant of Dubai in the company of Russians. He does not comment on the scandal, instead intrigued with a new duet. The Ukrainian rapper Potap (Alexei Potapenko) on the background of a scandal with a party with the Russians presented a new song. The excerpt is shared by the artist on his Instagram. "A new release, a new song, a duo, what do you think with whom? Potap wrote. In the song, he sings about the love of "small".

"Small, I am a point without you, only with you the exclamation sign," the composition reads. In focus. The style appeared its Telegram channel. Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intricate news from the world of show business! "Can Ivanushek with his wife?", "With Ivanushki," - written in the comments Ukrainians, hinting at a party in Dubai, where the rapper was noticed in the company of the wife of the soloist of the Russian band "Ivanushka International" Kirill Turichenko.

The network users also expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the musician is being released abroad during martial law in Ukraine. The artist himself does not comment on the scandal with the Russians, he only shares news about his meetings in the framework of charity to help Ukraine. "We support our country in every corner of the world!" Potap wrote. We will remind, Irina Fedyshyn told what reason her husband went abroad. Focus also wrote about Anastasia Prikhodko's reaction to Potap scandal.