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According to US administration representative John Kirby, the world should be ar...

"Act contrary": Russia, China and North Korea strengthen cooperation - the White House

According to US administration representative John Kirby, the world should be arranged according to the general rules, but there are countries that want to break them. The US noted that Russia, China and DPRK, which do not accept the current world order, intensify cooperation with each other. This was reported by US administration representative John Kirby while broadcasting a White House briefing.

According to him, Washington recorded the growing desire of Russia and China, as well as, to some extent, North Korea, to strengthen and improve their relationships. Kirby expresses the idea of ​​organizing peace in accordance with the established rules, but notes that there are countries that seek to violate these rules. "We still believe that the rules based on the rules matters, as well as certain countries that would like to act contrary to this order," Kirby said.