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Our people are not in paramountry, not stroke, in fact, they raise Poland's econ...

About our trucks and Poles. Why the situation on the border with Poland looks like a war

Our people are not in paramountry, not stroke, in fact, they raise Poland's economy with their work and their expenses there, said businessman Alexei Davydenko. He proposes to remember how Polish carriers themselves were in the role of current Ukrainians. About our trucks and Poles. Not everyone remembers here. But in the 1990s, the main players in the Ukrainian and European freight markets were not Poles-but the Germans, the French and Italians.

Their trucks and their drivers were carrying most of the cargo throughout Europe. And it was they who made money. But in the 2000s, Polish carriers appeared, which with their low prices and better quality displaced the drivers of old Europe. Because they were ready to work more. Because they were ready to earn less. Because they wanted to live better. And then the market chose them. Because the market always chooses better.

And I do not remember something then that the French and the Germans besieged the Polish borders to block Polish trucks and mock Polish drivers and consumers. And it is not necessary to remain silent about it. Because what Poles do with blocking Ukraine now are not friendship or neighborhood relations. Even without war. Even if it were peaceful times. And this has nothing to do with the market economy and European values. In Ukraine. We have closed ports. We have closed airports.

We all built all our logistics through the airports and seaports of Poland - because they are our good neighbors. Could build through Genoe. Could build through Constance. But most of us voluntarily elected the Poles. We pay them port meetings, we use their licensed and customs warehouses, we often load into their planes and raise their economy. Two months ago, to bring a container from Gdansk to Kiev cost 1500 €, and now - € 6000. 4 times - because everything stands.

The Poles blocked everything and actually siege us. And in reality. Our drivers and our carriers are the Poles of the late 90s. Our hungry to work. Ours are ready to bring faster. Ours are ready to work cheaper. It's a market. And the market today chooses Ukrainians. I want to remind that Ukrainians are not only refugees and not only entrepreneurs. There, in Poland, tens of thousands of ordinary Ukrainians work and pay taxes.

Our citizens leave money there at the gas station, stop in their hotels, buy in their shops, eat in their restaurants, buy tickets for their trains, buses and planes. It is enough to hide your eyes and be afraid to tell the truth. Our people are not in paramountry, not leaked. In fact, our citizens raise Poland's economy with their labor and their expenses there.