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Dmitry Nechitaylo is the head of PWC consulting services in the background of di...

War for culture

Dmitry Nechitaylo is the head of PWC consulting services in the background of discussions and specific steps to restore the country, it is not heard of conversations and actions regarding culture, as the main driver of transformational changes in Ukrainian public society in the Internet, there is either a truth or a fable about Winston Churchil. As if during the war they brought Churchyl to the table of the budget, and there was no line for culture.

"Where is the cost of culture?" - “So the war goes! What is the culture? ” He heard in response. "If there is no culture, why are we fighting?" - Churchil was surprised. Video Day from the first months of the war, numerous communities are constantly discussing the plans of the post -war restoration of Ukraine. Discussions are in the government, parliament, the Presidential Office, Embassy, ​​at the level of international donors, funds, business associations and private investors.

Naturally, the subject of these discussions is, for the most part, the restoration of roads, infrastructure (energy, transport, etc. ), damaged by housing aggressor, educational and medicine. It is as natural that any external borrowed funds, as well as the funds of Ukrainian taxpayers and injections from large Ukrainian business, will be directed, first of all, to the physical recovery of all destroyed and damaged, as well as for technological modernization.

And there is an optimistic hope that the mechanisms of post -war recovery will work more harmoniously, taking into account the past infamous experience in attracting investment in pre -war times. However, against the background of a huge number of discussions and even specific steps to restore the country, it is almost not audible to talk about culture, as a major driver of transformational changes in Ukrainian public society.

It is not about the repertoires of the capital's theaters, exhibitions of Lviv museums or amateur musical circles at district philharmonicians. As the Ukrainian classic of the present Les Podervyansky said in an interview with Janini Sokolova on March 30, 2019 - “The Ministry of Culture should engage in cultural policy, and if there is no cultural policy, why do the Ministry need? Because culture will exist without the ministry.

" The artist, of course, meant a culture in understanding the promotion of artistic directions - and in this context it is difficult to disagree with it. However, I mean a broader meaning - culture, social, professional, industrial and educational. To summarize, I will allow these varieties of cultures to combine the term "mental culture". It is, in fact, what we lacked before the war, and now it should be in one list with post -war material recovery.

Otherwise, after the war, we, as a society, will feel a lack of culture on a double or triple scale, taking into account the factors of post -war traumatization, several years of poor online education (since the pandemic), a mix of subcultures due to internal migrations of the population and, or not most importantly, - a potential new split of society, which will certainly take place after the war (fought - did not fight, moved - did not move, escaped abroad - did not escape, volunteered - did not volunteer, children export in advance - the children sat in the basements, etc.


The official site of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy (MKIP) of Ukraine declares that it (the Ministry) implements state policy in the fields of culture, language policy, popularization of Ukraine in the world, state foreign language, information sovereignty of Ukraine and information security, and also ensures the formation and implementation of state Policy in the areas of restoration and preservation of national memory, inter -ethnic relations, religion and protection of the rights of national minorities in Ukraine, arts, protection of cultural heritage, museum, export, import and return of cultural values.

The Ministry is also the main body in the system of central executive bodies, which ensures the formation and implementation of state policy in the information and publishing sphere, as well as ensures the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of television and radio broadcasting.

Without the analysis and comments on the mission, which is given on the site (mention the words of the artist), we can conclude that the questions of mental culture of society are not included in the tasks of the Ministry. Just as the Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health) speaks of sanitary and epidemic well -being of the population, but does not mention mental health, which directly affects mental culture.

And only the mission of the Ministry of Education for Science (MES) tells us about "the comprehensive development of man as a person and the highest value of society, his talents, intellectual, creative and physical abilities; formation of values ​​and necessary for successful self -realization of competences; Education of responsible citizens who are capable of conscious social choice and directing their activities in favor of other people and society . . . ”.

But, unfortunately, the declaration of a mission as one of the elements of a strategy is not a sufficient condition for achieving the goals. From the mission to the goal, one must go the way, which will consist of clear and clear steps, preferably limited in time. And one MES will not be enough here, so I deliberately remembered two more components - the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy and the Ministry of Health.

Since the formation or recovery of the mental culture of society, at least, should be built on three pillars - its own culture, health and education. And under these three pillars - the foundation in the form of an institute of law (or not under, but above, not the foundation, but the roof - what visualization you like). The transformation of the mental culture of civil society should be the priority of the post -war restoration of Ukraine, along with infrastructure projects.

The mechanism for such transformation is the creation of a state institute under the auspices and with the support of at least three of the above components - MKIP, Ministry of Health and MES. In addition, the country should immediately start a cultural transformation program, which aims, among other things: - developing a vision of general social values: in everyday life, in educational institutions, at work, on social networks, in public places and in transport, etc.

- popularization of mental culture at all levels and among all sections of civil society: cultural to be prestigious, and on the contrary - unacceptable (zero tolerance of society to low mental culture). - Implementation of measures to increase the level of mental culture: communication programs (in media, public places, etc.

), specialized courses in educational institutions of all degrees of education, support in the development of codes of culture and ethics for territorial communities and organizations of all forms of ownership, implementation of cultural ratings of organizations, implementation kindergartens, schools and universities.

- providing proposals for legislative initiatives that will contain state response mechanisms for non -compliance with social cultural norms (yes, not only to encourage high culture, but also to sanctions for low culture). -development and support of post-traumatic rehabilitation programs affected by war or as a result of participation in hostilities, focus-on mental health.

In my column for NB "Myths and the reality of operating efficiency", I cited an example of automatic and even axiomatic achievement of economic effect in organizations in the event of cultural transformations. That is, if there is a cultural effect (and it, by the way, is also calculated), then the economic indicators will pull up on their own and there is no need to spend the resource so that this economic effect is calculated separately - it is simply inevitable.

It was a business environment, organizations, but by and large, the country can also be imagined as an organization, albeit more complex and larger mechanisms and processes. The key difference between the organization and the country in this context lies in public demand. More precisely, in its presence or absence. Is there public demand for cultural transformations in all organizations? Not everyone, but many still have.

But even where it does not exist at all, it can be created by the mechanisms of stimulation and discipline (if after the end of the change, your workplace shines, then you will receive a distinction, and if there is a mess, then it will "decorate" a symbolic broom that will be seen by all colleagues on the shop. It is not a joke, but a real tool for vaccinating cultural changes in many industries that was invented in Japan in the middle of the last century).

Is there a public demand for the transformation of mental culture in our country? The answer here will be somewhat disappointing. In my deep conviction, such demand exists in a narrow layer of small middle class, which is only formed in Ukraine, but at the same time is the only "driver" of any progressive changes in society: cultural, economic or social. The majority of the population of such demand is not yet logical.

After all, first, we are still a very young and immature state, and secondly, it has long been known that to suffer (but not to progress) is always easy, but learning to be happy (read-mentally cultural) is always difficult. Is it possible to try such a demand in the country? The answer here will be affirmative. And not only can it be, but also worth it.

The creation of such demand and, accordingly, the cultural transformation of a larger share of the population will increase the middle class layers, one of which is cultural maturity and which, as mentioned above, is the main source of other transformations, first of all, economic. In other words, at the country's level, the axiom "cultural effect inevitably leads to an economic effect, not the other way around.

" A kind of "stop moose" project on a national scale and even with the growth of well -being - what is not a combining idea? Summing up, you want to emphasize again on the following: - restoration of roads, schools, hospitals, infrastructure with donors, banks, investors, taxpayers are important tasks, but without cultural transformations they will not make Ukraine a wealthy and happy state. Society will not feel safe with perfect roads where most do not follow the rules.

- The driving force of external and internal recovery programs should be not only familiar to all ministries of infrastructure, energy, economy, but also MKIP, MOH and MES. I do not even go to mention the rule of law, because it is as a priori as the culture leading to well -being.

- a separate state institute, endowed with the functionality of the MKIP, Ministry of Health, and with the support of the bodies of justice, must be responsible for the implementation of the transformation programs of mental culture. I had the opportunity to live in several European countries.

Although a frantic wave of forced migration after February 24 exposed many household flaws in Europe, which we have never guessed before (yes, I am about online banks, fast delivery, beauty industry, Internet quality-does not write about it on social networks except that A lazy forced immigrant), I look, first of all, to cultural things that you will not call in Europe the flaws when you remember how we have in Ukraine.

Of course, there are always exceptions, especially in multicultural communities. However, there are basic things - not to park in the places for the disabled, because they are closer to the entrance to the supermarket, to pay for parking, even if there is no control, not to allow your child to hack another on the playground, not leave garbage in the forest . . . From simple things Complex sprout. And by learning these simple things, we will ever realize that we can handle and more complex.

That gender, racial and other diversity is OK, and harassment for sexual orientation is unacceptable; What to celebrate the victory in the war, to respect veterans and the memory of the dead - well, and romanticization of war and speculation on the topic of who was on the front, and who in the rear - is immature and leads to split (and in some neighboring societies - to "connection") ; And finally, that in terms of our cultural maturity, our mental development will be perceived accordingly in the world community, in different corners of the globe, and to draw conclusions - we should deal with us whether it is better to bypass.