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Both Taiwan and Ukraine are related to similar bilateral agreements. But for som...

Ukraine is not Taiwan. Why for someone US is ready to go to war and someone trimmed help

Both Taiwan and Ukraine are related to similar bilateral agreements. But for some reason, the political scientist Roman Bezsmertny notes, for Taiwan America is ready to fight, and Ukraine is only needed as much as it is needed… Both in the First World War, and in World War I , lemon. I would portray Ukraine in the form of a beautiful delicious orange, from which everyone wants to cut a piece. He believes that Crimea and Donbas, for some reason, is convinced that Transcarpathia.

The war in Ukraine will not disappear in two to three weeks and a year or a half, because it is not about Ukraine and not about Russian-Ukrainian relations, it is not about the situation at the level of the Eurasian continent, at the level of the Central European region. It is generally about the global order.

If we take the current situation, that Taiwan is that the Philippines, that Ukraine, in terms of the legal moral and ethical norm, is in the same status regarding the United States of America, because there are relevant bilateral agreements, the Budapest Memorandum. It is not necessary to forget about it, because the obligations are set out, including for France, including for the United Kingdom, China.

If Russia does not perform them, then it does not mean that these do not have to perform it, and then there is a simple question: why the answer, if China moves on Taiwan, sounds the phrase: "The United States will enter the war. " Why, if Russia goes to Ukraine: "We will help as much as we will need to the end. " This is such a magical phrase "to the end", but I call it double standards. The author expresses a personal opinion that may not coincide with the editorial position.