The network included videos from observations cameras that show the moment of hitting the park, as well as photos that show the consequences of this attack. "Our Central Park was a blow tonight," Igor Terekhov said in his own Telegram. According to the head of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration Oleg Synigubova, at least four C-300 missiles were launched in the city center, which in minutes can fly to Kharkiv from Belgorod.
Some of the other missiles got into the civil industry, but fortunately no one was injured. In total, on the night of February 7, Russia released from 6 to 10 C-300 missiles. The city administration deals with the elimination of consequences. During the day, the enemy was fired massively by Vovchansk, Kupyansk, two -year -old, shooter, veterinary and other collisions close to the lines of Chuguev, Kupyansk and Kharkiv districts.
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