In his opinion, the loss of a 13,000-ton vessel will hit the Russian company "Development", as well as affect the shipbuilding industry of the Russian Federation. Also, a special advantage of the vehicle was the presence of rolling ramps and vertical cranes for loading. "Ursa Major's ship" supported the Russian garrison in Syria, and then was threatened because of the fall of the old regime in this country. However, as reported, the ship itself performed another task. The ship left St.
Petersburg to the Far Eastern city of Vladivosto auxiliary Russian ship "Sparta" and the corvet of the Russian Fleet "Sootras", - writes David ex. , it is a shipment of the ship. catastrophes, "said David ex. Recall that Focus wrote that the ship from the Russian Federation sank off the coast of Spain. The Russian dry load Ursa Major transported two mobile cranes for the port and two 45-tonne hatches for a new atomic icebreaker.
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