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The Kremlin responded to US President Joe Biden about Washington's readiness wit...

Biden and Harris Confrontation: Why does the White House offer Putin nuclear negotiations

The Kremlin responded to US President Joe Biden about Washington's readiness without prerequisites for negotiations with Russia, China and North Korea to reduce nuclear weapons. What is the reaction of the Russian Federation, and what it testifies in the context of the Russo-Ukrainian War, found out the focus. Joe Biden declared his readiness for negotiations with Moscow, Beijing and Pyongyang in connection with the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to the Japanese organization "Nihon Hidankyo".

The purpose of this movement is the complete destruction of nuclear weapons. Welcoming the laureates, Biden also spoke for "continued movement to peace, free from the threat of nuclear weapons. " In addition, the President of the United States emphasized: "The United States is ready to negotiate with Russia, China and North Korea without prior conditions for reducing nuclear threat. Neither our countries nor the world has profitable to inhibit the progress of nuclear arsenals.

dangers, but because of them. " Meanwhile, the Russian Federation was made it possible to consider a decrease in nuclear threat an important topic, but Russia has a prerequisite for its discussion: Moscow believes that this issue should be considered along with "other aspects of security".

"In the conditions of war in Russia, with indirect and even direct involvement of nuclear states, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, France, to speak of control of nuclear weapons and their reduction, without linking the topic with all other aspects of security, It is absolutely impossible, " - said Putin's pressecretic Dmitry Peskov. According to him, "contacts for reducing nuclear weapons cannot be put in a long box, but the issues should be considered comprehensively.

" In turn, the deputy chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev saw Joe Baiden's fresh initiative "another rudeness" of Americans. "Only think: the United States is practically a full (and not hybrid) war with us and wish our country strategic defeat. Hitler in 1945, "he wrote in his Telegram channel. They responded to the initiative of the US President and the Russian Council of the Federation.

In particular, VesesPicker Konstantin Kosachev, who is quoted by Roszma, said the following: "Almost everything is now said He is in a hurry to demonstrate his "peacekeeping".

Noting that the US would really "be very pleased" in any way to limit and control the Russian nuclear potential, which today remains "the last argument against NATO's direct entry into conflict on the side of Ukraine", Kosachov summarized: to our nuclear arsenal, but to bring out the nuclear weapons of European allies - the United Kingdom and France, as well as the topic of the aggregate advantage of the event in the field of non -nuclear potentials.

They want to show that the ball is on the side of Russia. " The experts with whom the focus spoke differently evaluated Joe Baiden's initiative on Russian nuclear dialogue, but came together in the vision of Moscow's further tactics in this matter.

In particular, political scientist Maxim Jigun in conversation with focus notes the following: "The fact is that for any democratic country that does not seek war and tries to neutralize the threat of nuclear blackmail always at all times, the desire for dialogue with other players is quite natural. From this nuclear campaign, their own nuclear desires have also been shaken. Emphasizing that in this context, Baiden's position is quite clear, the expert added: "Moreover, it (Joe Biden - Ed.

) A person who comes to the last circle of his political career and obviously wants to inherit his inheritance The role of a peacekeeper and a leader who was able to manage risks and minimize the likelihood of nuclear war. The reaction of the Russian Federation, including Putin speaker to Mr.

Baiden's initiative, Maxim Jigong evaluated as follows: "Peskov, as one of the designers of modern political Russia, realizes that their key trump is a nuclear tank, which they are constantly playing, using it as an element of trading At the end of the Russian Federation, a full -scale war against Ukraine.

Following Joe Biden's statement about the readiness of nuclear dialogue, Russia, in the opinion of the political scientist, will gain the price as much as possible, showing that with the Russian Federation, as with a nuclear state, it is necessary to "whisper all issues".

"In fact, Russia is a country that has lost much of its military potential and clearly demonstrated its inability to capture Ukraine, having a tremendous advantage in living power, military capabilities and, including nuclear weapons. But in any case Russian authorities, spinning a nuclear theme, will flutter with their audience, blackmailing Western societies with the possibilities of using the free world. The countries generally pay some attention to them, " - says Maxim Jigun.

Selling nuclear fear for two years of a full -scale war with Ukraine, the expert emphasizes, Russia "shocks the world with its breathtaking and ability to use prohibited martial arts. " "When the United States or any other country of the free world appeals to the Russian Federation with a proposal for nuclear negotiations, it recognizes the power of Russia and the legitimacy of Putin.

And in this sense a fresh statement by Biden-honey for the ears of the Russians as a whole and Putin in particular. In addition, It is a wonderful "stuffing" for Russian internal propaganda, from which it will mold the picture that, they say, the West crawls on the knees and asks for something there. which they sell, " - sums up Maxim Jigun, adding at the same time that through Ukraine in the Russian Federation" it will not be possible to realize their "holes" in the volume in which they seek.

: "In general, it is somewhat wondering that Joe Biden has decided to draw global initiatives on Russia at the background of active conversations that he would do everything to make Ukraine an invitation to NATO. Confident signals come from many Western analysts and is hardly a mood. And here suddenly there is a parallel track that Biden initiates a meeting with leaders of China, Russia and the DPRK.

This is to some extent unexpected, and for us has a somewhat negative connotation, since such a step by the US president is the recognition of Putin at the highest level. " And this is, to put it mildly, it is not very good. " Things are not resolved super fast. At the same time, it is obvious that the preparatory processes are already in full swing, as evidenced by the literally instant reaction of the Kremlin, which has protruded for such a dialogue as soon as possible.

But the Russian Federation, manipulating nuclear weapons, tied the issue of the Russian-Ukrainian war here. Therefore, for the United States, if they already lead two tracks in parallel, it is very important that Ukraine's issue with nuclear conversations with Russia does not rise at all. It is also important that the issue of Ukraine's invitation to NATO is resolved before a meeting in nuclear countries, "Maxim Nesvitaylov said.

In his opinion, this algorithm would have to move events, but" Ramstein ", where for Kyiv should sound important Euro -Atlantic signals, and therefore the security issue for Ukraine is medium -term and long -term Maxim Nesvitaylov turns to internally American political nuances: "There is currently talking about the confrontation between the staff of Kamala Harris with Baiden's administration and Biden himself around the fact that the White House has not been involved in her campaign.

Blinken, Sullivan and others hoped that Harris would take them into her team, but she left them overboard. Therefore, the intra -command confrontation also grows Biden, talking about nuclear negotiations with the Russian Federation, China and DPRK, launches such global processes that he will not have time to close until the end of his cadence.