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There are no practical survival experts in the event of a nuclear explosion. And...

Russia threatens nuclear blow. How to survive if Putin does not bluff. Very detailed instruction

There are no practical survival experts in the event of a nuclear explosion. And I very much hope not. But, suddenly, I will share the knowledge of the "nuclear" and the radiation of a nuclear blow to assess the likelihood or incredibility of Russia's nuclear attack in Ukraine, although I consider it unlikely but possible. I will tell you how to protect myself, what to put in an alarming nuclear backpack and how to act, if still "nucleus" happened.

Unlike "what to do in the event of war", there are no people with the experience of nuclear attack among those who live on the planet Earth. Therefore, he has collected his experience in civil defense, physics, including nuclear, and other open sources I trust. About radiation. Several important points 1. Radiation ≠ poison and radiation ≠ unambiguous death.

Radiation and radiation appeared immediately in the emergence of the universe, and living organisms, including humans, learned to live with it faster than with bacteria and viruses. Our body is absolutely normal to withstand moderate doses of radiation and can cope with high. 2. You can protect against radiation, sometimes even in simple ways. 3. Unfortunately, we do not have a sense organ that would feel all types of radiation.

The human eye can only see light radiation (it is also a radiation in some way), and the skin feels the infrared spectrum. 4. The greatest danger-from the so-called radioactive dust, which contains isotopes of elements that break up and accordingly "phones", that is, release alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Types of nuclear explosion - land: the bomb falls on the ground and blows on its surface.

Plus: the Earth is very absorbed by the energy of the explosion and greatly reduces the radius of destruction. Minus: a very powerful dirty explosion with a huge release of radioactive dust and isotopes, the infection of the area is maximum. - Air: blasting bombs at a height of 500-1500 m above the ground. Plus: significantly less infection, but also minus: larger destruction, because the shock wave is gaining scope. This is a typical option that struck nuclear weapons.

- Underground: rocket/bomb enters 50-150 m underground and detonates there. Plus: slight destruction on the surface, minus: a lot of infection at the point of impact and the total destruction of underground communications (cables, pipelines, tunnels) in a significant radius. - altitude: blasting at heights from 10 km. Pros: slight pollution, though quite spread over the area and the lack of destruction. And as a bonus is a polar glow.

Minus: a strong electromagnetic impulse that will fry all the electronics in a significant radius. There are the following areas of nuclear explosion: the zoning of a nuclear explosion of the epicenter of a nuclear explosion is the very point of blasting and a radius of 1-1. 5 km from it. Surviving at the epicenter of the explosion, if you are not in the protective structures, is almost impossible, everything living awaits instant death, provided land and air explosions.

Destruction zone is an area up to 5 km from the epicenter of the explosion. Depending on the closeness - from dilapidated homes to the windows knocked out. Survival is very high if not in the open area. The radioactive contamination zone-the area can be from 8-10 km to 20 km, depending on the wind, weather and other factors of atmosphere and relief. The pollution level can be quite small, it all depends on the type of charge and the height of the blast.

Factors after nuclear explosion - light and radio radiation, including X -ray and gamma. Occurs at the time of the explosion itself and lasts up to a few seconds. Impact on humans: in the epicenter zone - instant death, in the area of ​​destruction - burns of open areas of the body and blindness (usually temporary), in the area of ​​contamination - the feeling of heat on the skin. - The shock wave. An explosive wave that causes major destruction.

The impact on the person is the same as the shock wave from conventional bombs. Moves at sound speed. - electromagnetic pulse. The incredibly intensive flow of charged particles (electrons, or better known as beta radiation) creates a huge variable electromagnetic field with a few milliseconds. It does not carry danger to humans, but for electronics has a destructive effect due to the phenomenon of reverse induction, when all conductors begin to have a current that simply burns them.

For metal columns and bridges - not noticeable, but for thin cables and almost all electronics - fatal. It does not work on the fiber and most radio lamps. Therefore, there is a chance that the old grandfather's radio will survive the nuclear apocalypse. - radioactive dust and precipitation (Radioactive Fallout or simply Fallout) is not a regulated plutonium, radioactive isotopes formed during decay, and materials that were not radioactive, but when exposed to gamma and x-ray radiation, such .

from the ionization process). It is probably even a more destructive factor than a shock wave because of a long -term impact. Impact on humans: gradual damage to the body in the case of penetration into the body. The effect is only noticeable in the Middle and Long Perspective, if you do not go to collect the bomb residue immediately in the epicenter itself five minutes after the explosion. The effect of this factor can last from several hours to several decades. - Radioactive rain.

As a result of perturbation of the atmosphere, the pressure drops in an hour or two condenses moisture and begins to go "dirty rain". It is very radioactive, contact with them can even lead to acute radiation disease. It is radioactive rain responsible for most of the victims of the attack on Hiroshima. There are any methods of protection from each lesion after a nuclear explosion.

You will be surprised, but they were tested at atomic landfills in the 50-60s of the XX century, until such experiments were recognized as inhumane and banned. Now - how to prepare to protect yourself to collect an alarming nuclear backpack. Note that this is all in addition to the standard "alarm backpack". 1. Two sets of comfortable trousers are preferably military because there is a dense semi -synthetic fabric. 2. Five pieces of plastic raincoats. 3. 5-10 pairs of shoe, you can medical. 4.

Roll of garbage bags, how much. 5. Six FFP2 respirators, and even better - FFP3. It is recommended for our production. Everyone in a separate package. 6. Scotch, perfectly reinforced, any. 7. Four pairs of rubber economic gloves. 8. Glasses - such as for working with a Bulgarian. 9. Three packs of paper napkins. 10. Two vials of varnish removal. 11. Three liters of water in plastic container. The thicker the wall, the better. 12. Compass mechanical. It is mechanical, not on the phone. 13.

Cards: either buy or find on the Internet and print. Pencil, pen. 14. Giger counter or radiation detector. One on the family. You should also take care of the return and/or batteries for it. 15. (optional) radio, necessarily with the KH/SC with a range. Reference. About radiation detector. Do not look expensive at $ 500-700 Detector with a separate measurement of alpha, beta and gamma radiation. It is nothing to you.

On the other hand, radiation detectors for $ 40-50 with Aliexpress-do not buy, they are poor quality. Optimally-Gigher radiation detector costs $ 100-170. Not little, but your survival will depend on it. The likelihood of surviving during nuclear blows is higher than to die, as strange as it may sound. And yet-a decent detector will not fry from the electromagnetic pulse, more precisely, it can fry, but partially: the contour of "Giger Tube"-Lamp-enhanced-drill will work, this is enough.

The more intense the cracking, the worse the situation. Ideally, if the detector also has a dosimeter function, that is, not only shows the current radiation background, but can also count the dose you have accumulated. It started - the explosion happened! Perform the following protection and evacuation actions only when you are in the area of ​​the lesion.

That is, if you do not have destruction near you, your house is whole and unharmed or damage is very minor (cracked plaster and/or window in the window, no light and ligament) - do not start evacuation or any other intense actions. Stay at home, close all the windows and wait for the CA. And most importantly, you do not need to grab children and documents, get in the car and go to the border with Poland. In this situation, the risks to go in some direction more than staying at home.

In other words, if you struck the conditional south of Ukraine, and you are in the north - do not do anything Aral! You sit at home and wait for the instructions of the CA, NSDC and the military-civilian administration. After alerting about nuclear danger (and 99% of the probability that it is announced), we take nuclear and anxious backpacks and descend into the deepest basement or place we can climb.

If such alert is on the street/on the road/at work/and you do not have a "nuclear backpack" with you - find the nearest hole, pit, basement and so on. Turn off your phone, remove all metal items and electronics from your pockets. You lie down on the floor face down, you cover your eyes with your hands. Carry with you mask FFP2/3, and preferably two. Its weight is 10 grams, they can be decomposed by pockets of all jackets.

Inhalation of radioactive dust is the most harmful to the body, after settling in the lungs, it will pour you all your life. Next - look for water and move from the epicenter of the explosion towards the evacuation. In a deep basement, for example, on -2, -3 floor and below, the nuclear stroke can be survived even at the epicenter if the blast is airy. Therefore, to say that the epicenter is 100% death, yet it is not worth it.

And you should always hide, even if you suddenly know that the "nucleus" is right in your area. The blow, the explosion . . . We wait for everything to compete and subsides, that is, the shock wave will pass and the evacuation begins. If you are not filled and you have a nuclear backpack: 1. We put a ffp3 mask. 2. We wear gloves. 3. We wear a raincoat. 4. We put on glasses and shower. 5. We wrap and compact, where possible, adhesive tape, as if we are doing a homemade all -military protective suit.

We bring with us a backpack (s), having previously wrapped them in a garbage bag, and go to the surface. We turn on the detector, measure the background. Anything above 100 mc/h is no longer good. But in our situation - it is acceptable, maybe higher. Remember! First we wear protection and then dosimeters and everything else. Two variants of events. 1.

If you are in a reliable shelter, you have a supply of water and no radiation dosimeter and protection products described above, stay there for the next 12-24 hours, because you do not know where it is more dangerous-in shelter or outside . Even while remaining inside, try to protect the breathing organs what are at hand - gauze bandage, clothing (clean!), Medical mask, scarf and more. It went through - we go out and go to evacuation.

If the dosimeter is working, there is a protection product-in an hour you can get out of the lesion area. If when you try to get out, we get radiation rates that go crazy - the dead back in the shelter. Try to get out no earlier than 12, or even better than 24 hours! When we came out of the shelter, we determine where the epicenter of the explosion was, and we move from it. How to determine it? There is no clear mechanism, focus on the area of ​​major fires, rather, there was an epicenter.

Also, the nature of the destruction can be seen where the shock wave came from. Further, everything, as in practical classes in geography at school: map, compass and forward. The idea is to move away from the epicenter, kilometers 10-15 at least, and already wait for evacuation. Or move on, if possible. We move as follows: - that three hours change the mask, and after 8-10 hours - a raincoat. If the raincoat has broken, you change immediately. - We only remove the mask for drinking.

- If you pollute your hands or face, wipe your skin with paper wipes soaked in varnish removal. (If you find half a liter of acetone is bingo). It will be our analogue of the old good individual anti-chemical package of IPP-8. - It is necessary to dress in rooms, and even better - cellars where there are no drafts. - If you get in the rain, run into the shelter and dress there (raincoat, mask, gloves).

- If you entered the area where the detector showed the level of radiation, return the same way back to the point where the level falls and look for a new way. - Remember the priorities: your personal safety, family safety, safety of others. - (almost) all water, especially closer to the epicenter, will be infected, so water in plastic bottles is the most valuable resource. The thirst will be the greatest pain, especially because of the large number of fires and wounded with burns.

To share water with someone or not is your business. Drinking open sources water is strictly forbidden. To look for water in batteries or drainage tanks - let's leave for the scripts of post -apocalyptic films. - The dosimeter-detector of radiation is periodically wiped with a lacquer remover, because it gathers dust, and it can start to "pick up". - Napkins after wiping, just as raincoats, gloves and masks are used.

- Follow the principle: (a) clean and dirty - separately and (b) clean can become dirty, but never the other way around. Your main tasks 1. Survive. Your task is to stay alive (s), with minimal health damage. 2. Hold on two days. After that, all levels of radiation will come to the controlled norm. 3. To leave the danger zone and get to the evacuation points, which will necessarily be organized by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and our allies.

Questions-answers-is it not better to stay in the basement for two days to a week, if I/we have a supply of water and food? - This can only be done if you are in a specialized repository that is equipped with air filtration. These are, but there are not enough, and it is definitely not the basement of your home. If you have settled in a regular basement with stewing and water barrel, all those seven days will breathe in the untreated air that comes from the outside.

And if the air does not enter your basement, because everything is glued (it is doubtful that you can do it to the explosion), then you will die from the poisoning of the carbon dioxide that you produce yourself. Getting a radioactive dust into the lungs is an irreversible process. Isotopes are terrible in that they are active in chemical theractions, so our body draws them with great joy.

And then they will release radiation for the rest of your life, causing serious illnesses, including chronic radiation. - Can I move through a car? - If he is on the move and if you have like to go - forward. But it is doubtful that it will be, so count only on your two feet. - Why did polyethylene mention several times in the text? - PE perfectly delays alpha and beta radiation, as well as gamma, however, it requires a fairly thick layer.

Therefore, the raincoat is quite normal to stop heavy radioactive particles and in addition to protect against radioactive dust. - I read at the CDC and/or Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine that in the event of a radiation accident it is necessary to remain indoors before arrival. - A nuclear explosion and a radiation accident are different things.

In the event of an accident, for example, the NPP will spray radioactive particles into a large area (thousands of square kilometers), but there will be no infrastructure. Therefore, you are likely to be absolutely a whole roof over your head, the water will flow from the tap, electrical appliances and many other benefits will work. In the end, as it was when there was an explosion at the Chernobyl NPP. In this case, you really need to stay at home and wait for the instructions of the CO.

In the case of a nuclear explosion, everything is different: concentration on a relatively small area (up to hundreds of square kilometers), enormous destruction, destroyed communications and infrastructure. Staying in such a zone is more risks than leaving it. In addition, you can get out of the total danger zone by overcoming only 4-5 km, which is not a complicated task. - How to protect and save children? We will divide children by age, because the technique will be different.

Babies and children under 18 months of age are best placed in a cradle/cart that you wrap with plastic and in front leave a hole through which you will get a baby to replace diapers and feeding. We close this hole with several layers of gauze. If there is no cradle - a sling and close the child's breathing organs (mouth, nose) gauze in several layers or clothing, if not. We always carry the cradle in our hands, nowhere to be put.

The exception is a closed room where you stopped to change respirators or clothing. Importantly! It is impossible to wear a young child a respirator and cannot be used as a filter for a polyethylene wrapped, the baby is not so strong in the child that he can breathe freely through him. The methodologists with the CA say that for babies and children under the age of three should be such a sealed chambers of polyethylene. But I have never seen this live.

Since the protection of children is not as reliable as for adults (unfortunately), it is absolutely necessary not to go with them to the surface in the first hours after the nuclear explosion. The exception is the presence of injuries in children who need immediate help (severe burns, fractures). Children from two years of age can wear baby medical masks, for certainty - two at a time. At this age, your children will already be able to tell you somehow if it is difficult for them to breathe.

For children from six to seven years, protection measures are the same as for adults. After leaving the area of ​​the cradle and all the baby things you have taken with you will have to throw it away. - How to protect animals? - Methods of 60-70 years of the XX century did not write anything about pets. It was calculated that he would have to leave. The cows and horses had to be tied on their mouths and nostrils, but it is from the fiction genre.

So, how? Котів та невеликих собак ховаємо у контейнер для переноски, обмотаємо його поліетиленом, залишаючи отвір для доступу і дихання. Цей отвір закриваємо марлею в кілька шарів.

Для більших собак робимо так: обмотуємо їх в одяг, а якщо маєте для них якісь зимові речі, вдягаємо їх. Намордник обмотуємо марлею і вдягаємо собаці.

Варто знати: - Собаки та коти, якщо ви їх не змогли покрити чимось, назбирають на шерсть чимало радіації, і ймовірно їх прийдеться обстригти. - Якщо ваш улюбленець отримав чималу дозу радіації, особливо через пилюку, є ймовірність, що вам з ним доведеться попрощатися.