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Poland recognized a rocket that fell on its territory in November last Ukrainian...

And was there a Ukrainian rocket? Why did the Poles rush to post the investigation

Poland recognized a rocket that fell on its territory in November last Ukrainian. But journalist Denis Popovich is unclear why it was done before the investigation studied all the necessary facts. Interesting conclusions of investigation of Polish experts on the mysterious explosion of the rocket in Pshevodov on November 15 last year. On that day, during the next missile firing of the territory of Ukraine, some rocket fell on the territory of Poland and killed two people.

At first they thought on the Russian rocket X-101, but then the main version was the hit of the Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile C-300. The preliminary results of the Polish investigation are more balanced than journalism, which recently dumped NYT about the allegedly hit the Buk's missile in the market in Konstantinovka. It is noted in particular that two missiles 5V55 was released through the Russian winged rocket, which was released on an energy facility near Lviv.

One rocket destroyed the target, the other continued the flight and fell on the wheat. Polish experts recognize that the rocket had to destroy, but for unknown reasons did not happen. It is noted that the investigation was conducted exclusively in the territory of Poland - experts have not yet been admitted to Ukraine. Thus, the PU review was obviously not conducted. This is important and this is the main drawback of this investigation.

Indeed, in order to increase the likelihood of an air target, it should be released not one but two (in some cases even three) rockets. If one of the anti -aircraft missiles loses the target (for example, as a result of its destruction), then it must be self -destroying. This is her mandatory algorithm. If it has not worked, it is a rocket malfunction - a very rare, almost incredible case.

I do not argue that this was not the case (everything is!), But I hear about the failure of the algorithm of self -destruction in the anti -aircraft missile for the first time and about the incident in Pshevoduv. Each rocket is automatically scanning before running. If any malfunction is detected, then the start is canceled. Can there be a malfunction after scanning already in the air? May. This happened in 2000, when the Operation-tactical "Point-U" rocket hit a residential building in Brovary.

I communicated with the military personnel of the missile brigade and directly with the commander of the PU, who released that rocket. The ammunition was double check. He left the start -up, but already in flight on board there was an explosion that led to a short situation, and in the end - to the tragedy. That is why nothing can be excluded. But the question of why the compulsory self -destruction algorithm did not work is the main question.

However, it is impossible to answer it until the starting unit is inspected in detail. This, according to the Poles, has not happened yet. Yes, there is no reason to claim that this algorithm did not work. Since this is unknown, the conclusion that it was a Ukrainian rocket is absolutely doubtful. In fact, without answering this important question, the Poles had no right to teach these results even in the previous form. But they did it.