" It should be noted that the post of Trump has already been reserved by the Russian media. In particular, RIA Novosti and Telegram channel "wounded everything. Well,". The main focus of propaganda media was that the war in Ukraine will develop into nuclear confrontation. According to the Reuters Media, the United States is ready to transfer 30 M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine. This can happen in the coming months.
An anonymous source has told reporters that the state decisions to supply M1 Abrams are part of the German agreement and will cause Ukraine to get Leopard 2. "Tanks are an important opportunity, and if it took US leadership, then we are what we are They were ready to do, "the source said. We will remind, German journalists stated that Scholz agreed to put Ukraine tanks Leopard 2a6. According to the media, it is a minimum of one mouth Leopard 2A6.
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