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A group of deputies registered a bill, designed to create favorable conditions f...

The Council plans to help veterans of war: how are they ready to support this realistic idea

A group of deputies registered a bill, designed to create favorable conditions for the development of veterans business and reintegration of veterans. However, the good goal underlying the initiative can be discriminatory in practice, experts surveyed by focus say. Bill No.

10258, registered in November last year, according to the explanatory note, aimed at "creating favorable conditions for the launch and development of veteran entrepreneurship, increasing its competitiveness, solving the problems of reintegration of war veterans into civilian life and promoting sustainable development of Ukraine as a whole. " According to the authors of the initiative, a veteran business is a very effective tool for supporting the economy of the state as a whole.

They give an example of the US, which operates more than 2 million veterans, which give about 5% of GDP. However, it can help solve the problem of unemployment. "We are objectively expected to appear a large number of people with disabilities as a result of war, which can be difficult to get a job and who will feel more comfortably surrounded by those who understand them as deeply as possible (veteran helps a veteran/employment of a veteran).

For such persons work /Participation in the business of brothers can be a real way out of complex socio-economic circumstances and to help in mental recovery, "-said in the explanatory note to the document. At the same time, deputies emphasize that a veteran business is able to interest both domestic and foreign investors, and exports of their goods "can start a new era of world brands from Ukrainian heroes.

" "Veteran entrepreneurship can significantly strengthen the development of the defense sector of our country and its presentation in the world markets for weapons. This will be an important impetus for building all Ukrainian MIC," the document said. In particular, the Bill No.

10258: the bill proposes to provide veteran business with specialized and permits for simplification of exports deputies propose to introduce tax mechanisms of stimulation of veteran entrepreneurship, giving veterans business special and permits that will simplify trade abroad, etc. "The proposed bill is frame. It does not contain any specific measures to support the veteran business. Yes, it provides for the support of veterans business through tax benefits.

However, what tax benefits are not said. and about the state of law for entrepreneurs. However, no specifics, "says Focus Candidate of Economic Sciences, independent expert Alexander Khmelevsky. He draws attention to the proclamation of the rights of such economic entities during state supervision and control. "It turns out that the rights of other entrepreneurs do not guarantee the state. It is generally contrary to the current legislation and is discriminatory," the expert is indignant.

Khmelevsky also noted that according to the initiative, veterans will be given priority in the supply of products and services for state and regional needs. In his opinion, this is contrary to equal conditions for all participants and the idea of ​​selecting the best proposals, and can also contribute to abuse and corruption. "In general, the bill violates equal opportunities in competition for various entrepreneurs.

Why veteran companies have state support, and others do not? Why are permits simplified only for veteran enterprises, not for all? Why does the state contribute to the promotion of veterans' goods in foreign markets only And not all? " - the expert asks the question. The state should not support one type of business - entrepreneurs should compete on an equal footing, according to a specialist in his opinion, this bill is aimed at reporting on the support of veterans.

"It is only a declaration that does not provide any real support to veterans. The authorities must support veterans. But it should be social support that should include cash payments, pensions, utility benefits, free treatment, housing, etc. But such support should not To relate to business. Entrepreneurs should compete on equal terms, " - summarized the economist.

We will remind, as a result of 15 waves of submission of applications for grants within the framework of the program "own business" 66 winners were identified. Veterans and family members of combatants receive up to UAH 100 million from the state to start or develop their business. Focus also wrote that the government intends to reform the simplified tax system.