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I wish health, dear Ukrainians, Ukrainians! Powerful International Day today. Me...

We will do everything to guarantee the security of Ukraine and all Europe from Russian radiation blackmail - President Vladimir Zelensky's appeal

I wish health, dear Ukrainians, Ukrainians! Powerful International Day today. Meetings and negotiations with partners. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg was in Kiev - fruitful negotiations. Not only about our defense now, but also about our strategic protection, joint protection of all in Europe. Ukraine deserves to become a member of NATO and will become. Necessarily. And it's not just our Ukrainian ambition.

This is the only effective security perspective for Europe that guarantees a real long peace. We are working to have practical progress on the Alliance membership. The work of our format - the Council of Ukraine - NATO - was also discussed today. What we can do using this format. A good meeting. He also negotiated with the French Minister of Defense. Today. And the day before - with the Minister of Defense of the United Kingdom. Key partners.

Very important cooperation, which is already there, and even more important that we can achieve. They spoke, in particular, about the strengthening of our soldiers and the general strategy of our victory in the war. We also work to ensure that we have the joint production of the weapons we need - necessary for both Ukraine and our partners.

I thank France, I thank the United Kingdom and all our partners - every leader, every state who, together with us, oppose Russian terror and bring such a necessary peace. There is also a result on the IAEA site - Ukraine is part of the Council of Managers of the Organization. International Atomic Energy Agency.

And this not only emphasizes our international security role, but also gives real opportunities to Ukraine to influence the decisions that are obligatory for all members of the IAEA, for the entire international community. We will do everything to implement the first point of our peace formula - nuclear and radiation safety.

And guarantee the complete liberation of our Zaporizhzhya nuclear station from the Russian invaders and the protection of Ukraine and all Europe from Russian radiation blackmail. We are preparing for this and next week to give more results for our international work, for strengthening Ukraine. He held several relevant meetings today, including an important meeting with intelligence leaders. The results will be. And front.