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It turned out that Russia could not even release its

"Interesting leak" About SU-57: The Russian Federation lacks hands to "sweep tracks"-Defense Expess

It turned out that Russia could not even release its "analogue" without western equipment. In addition to the enemy found a "loophole" in sanctions, he is forced to choose from his numerous equipment more priority. OSINT researchers have published information about Russian purchases for the production of Su-57 fighter jets to bypass the sanctions of the event. The Defense Expess on September 29 dismantled this "interesting leak".

It was reported that one of the contractors (Micropribor) had to buy equipment to equip automated workplaces for calibration and laboratory testing of IPPU-50 devices for satellite communication and radar. It was also about the purchase of the Siemens Kle 360 ​​machine with software management manufactured in Germany. The contract for such was concluded in July 2022 - after the start of a full -scale war in Ukraine.

"At first glance, the picture here looks generally clear-the Russian MIC was so dependent on supply from the West that it is manifested even in history with a seemingly insignificant element under the" flying analog "under the designation of the SU-57",--- Experts noted. However, they emphasized that if you read the materials more closely, you can see "even more interesting layers in this picture.

" In particular, most of these equipment are "dual -use goods", formally accessible in the civil market. This demonstrates an important "loophole" that is still used by the aggressor country to produce weapons during the war. In addition, the documents are "retrospective". That is, they cover the period in the previous two years. "At first glance, it may look strange, but this may be a rational explanation - p ** are not enough human resources to" sweep tracks "on all equipment that were bypassed.

We can also assume that in The purposes of "rationalization" by Russians can set priorities for which equipment and nomenclatures of sub -equipment and resources they need to "sweep tracks" first, and on which data leakage may not be critical, " - explained analysts. We will remind, on Institute for Science and International Security reported that Russia has expanded the production of "Shahmed" and even exceeds its annual plan.