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Hope to protect its technological advantage and national security, the US wants ...

The US and China Technology War has gone to a new level: AI will become much more stupid because of sanctions

Hope to protect its technological advantage and national security, the US wants to block Chinese developers access to their cloud services. The US government intends to ban foreign companies, especially from China, to use American cloud calculations to teach artificial intelligence models. This statement was made by US Minister Gina Raymomondo, Reuters reports. She explained that the essence was not in obstructing access to the data warehouses.

The fact is that the US is exported over chip, and some of them are installed in the US cloud processing centers (CDO), and to block access to chip, will have to "cut off" the way for Chinese companies to the COD themselves. The Minister emphasized that he considers the activities of companies with the PRC "harmful and potentially dangerous.

" One of the aspects of this initiative was called "Know Your Customer", following him, American cloud services should be seriously approaching the issue of identifying their foreign users. It is also known that the initiative is aimed at slowing down programs for the development of artificial intelligence (AI) China. The initiative arose from the proposal to block the access of Chinese enterprises to American cloud technologies put forward in October 2023.

The proposed version of the resolution imposes significant responsibility on the companies engaged in cloud computing. These companies must check the identity of foreign customers, maintain user identification standards and certify them annually. This rule is part of a US Cyber ​​Security Strategy, which can be used by Chinese "to develop potentially dangerous SI technologies". Meanwhile, China views this step by the United States as a way to restrain its economy.

Part of the ban on access to American "clouds" is already working. Thus, in October 2023, President Joe Biden issued a decree according to which the companies-developers of Shi-systems, which can threaten national security, economy, public health care of the United States, should disclose the US government to the government and confirm the government that their si is not a threat. The industry reacted negatively to such innovations.

Netchoice's main legal advisor, high -tech trading group, Karl Sabo called Baiden's decree illegal, claiming that his implementation could restrain international cooperation in the field of AI. However, despite the attempts by Baiden Presidential Administration to protect national security and maintain the technological advantage of the United States, Chinese businesses can safely access the cloud servers in Europe and the Middle East.