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Ukrainian intelligence and military confirm the use of the Armed Forces of the R...

Mask the sea drones under Ukrainian: why Russian troops need Starlink

Ukrainian intelligence and military confirm the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Starlink, and the Russians themselves have issued plans how to get them more and use more efficiently. Recently, Ukrainian military has been talking about the use of Starlink's satellite Internet on the front. Popular Russian Telergram channel "UAV Snaping" spoke about a new possible scenario of using Starlink against Ukraine and the source of receipt of satellite terminals to the Russians.

According to the blogger, Starlink equipment can be used to launch invisible sea drones in Ukraine, which would be difficult to distinguish from Ukrainian unmanned boats. The occupiers would like to attack Odessa and ships in the Ukrainian water area, probably civilians. "Starlink is a cornerstone of a number of weapons. For example, marine drones and the same lags.

Having removed the blocking, we get the opportunity to please Odessa and the vessels that shake there without drawing the attention of the sanitation," - says the Russian blogger. The author notes that without Starlink to create a communication channel for such drones, with HD transmission, remote control without delays, resistant to the HRS and invisible for radio electronic intelligence is almost impossible.

He also writes about the need to equip Starlink on the side of the Russians with technical means of protection against radio electronic interference, similar to those that are on Ukrainian marine drones. An interesting detail is direct confirmation of the author's words about the source of receipt of Starlink accounts to Russian troops.

He argues that for this purpose they use those who want to make money without much effort of citizens of Europe, register accounts on them, and that such people are found in sufficient quantities. "The thread of opponents on the topic" where to find so many European users who agree to register the Starlinka for the Russian Federation "is critical with a bitter, " - says the channel.

The Ukrainian military, communications expert Sergey Beskrestnov with the flash call sign in his Telergram channel, was in doubt that the Russians will be able to find enough in Europe who would register Starlink for the Russians. "They work through European or other accounts. We will not be able to do anything. We will not be the most. Also, Sergei Beskrestnov writes that Russians have been using Starlink since the beginning of a massive invasion.

SpaceX simply cannot determine who uses terminals on the front line: Ukrainian or Russian. The fact of the presence of Starlink in the occupiers, the free illegal sale and the source of receipt is confirmed by Ukrainian intelligence. The representative of GUR Andriy Yusov told about it. "Russia continues to work because of the so-called parallel imports, in fact, smuggling. And so, through third countries.

We will not name specific countries, and this information needs clarification, but Starlink is free sale in the Russian Federation on open online sites," - said Andriy Yusov. The GUR representative noted that this year the use of Starlink has become more systematic Russian military. They "bet" on these devices, and Ukrainian forces, accordingly, look for and find means to counteract this phenomenon (the technical details of the spokesman have not been opened).