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In Russia, ten times more artillery shells, so Ukraine should develop ten times ...

Ukraine needs more accurate weapons: Brave1 seeks to create it with a hackathon precision

In Russia, ten times more artillery shells, so Ukraine should develop ten times better and more accurate ammunition. The Brave1 cluster organizes in Ukraine the hackatton precision to find technologies that will allow defense forces more accurately and more efficiently to fight. The focus was reported on June 6 at the Ministry of Digital Transformation. In April this year, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky stated that the ratio of artillery shells between Ukraine and Russia is 1 to 10.

That is, every Ukrainian artillery shell has 10 hostile. It is extremely difficult to correct this disproportion because of the various production capabilities of Russia and Ukraine. For example, in 2023, Russia produced 2 million artillery shells, and in 2024 plans to reach 3 million. Ukraine cannot get a comparable amount from its own production. The first obvious answer is the need to increase the volume of allies' artillery supplies.

This way you can achieve the desired parity or preference, but it is a path in which not much depends on Ukraine. Things such as the political will of the Allies, the production capabilities of the OPC of partners, technical and logistical readiness to provide Ukraine with the required number of ammunition, etc. come to the fore. And even if Ukraine has received the required number of shells, it does not solve the problem of logistics.

Transporting and delivering a large number of ammunition to the front line is a complex process that requires reliable coordination and significant resources. In conditions where enemy reconnaissance drones such as Orlan, Zala or Supercam have the opportunity to fly over the frontal area and rear cities, logistical ways of ammunition transportation, such logistics becomes even more complicated.

The problem of reconnaissance drones and complicates the deployment of artillery installations for the task of strokes. Unfortunately, almost every day the enemy "swayes" a video of the successful impression of our artillery with its lancets or managed ammunition "Krasnopol". Therefore, another focus is important for Ukraine - the need to improve the efficiency of using the "one" Ukrainian ammunition that opposes "ten" hostile.

To the winged phrase "One Shot - One Hit" ("One shot - one hit") to become effective for the Ukrainian military. And this is where the accuracy of the lesion is important. Currently, several shells should be released to defeat one tank or pickup of the enemy, some of which are needed for shooting, adjusting. The same applies to FPV-Dron attacks, a large part of which is "filtered" by the enemy direction and only a few of the runs reach the enemy target.

The military claim that Kamikadze drones can only hit every third target. It is obvious that this situation determines our military dependence on the required amount of ammunition and drones. The dependence, which in the face of war against the enemy, which prevails in the amount of resources, can be a strategic problem in Ukraine. In order to find a solution, the intellectual mobilization of Ukrainian and foreign developers, Defense Tech specialists, military.

Only state institutions, scientific institutions and large defense, it is not possible to do, because it is about innovative solutions, where there is no significant base of knowledge and experience. This is what Brave1 cluster organizes Hakaton Precision. Its purpose is to find those technological solutions that will allow our military to perform tasks with increased accuracy, efficiency and minimal related losses.

Both Ukrainian and foreign developers can participate in hackathon, who already have experience in improving the accuracy of existing means of damage. Military, profile experts, representatives of the scientific community and startups are also invited to participate. That is, all those who have something to offer in the process of creating the best technological solutions to combat the enemy.

Accuracy and efficiency will be sought in areas such as: importantly, participants will not only be able to work out their decisions in teams, but also test them at the landfill. You can register for a hackathon by June 8 at the link. The Ukrainians may not be able to create a "super -sacrifice" immediately after this hackathon, but even a number of good decisions will allow the Ukrainian army to significantly increase the efficiency of their actions, the organizers believe.

Ukraine needs accuracy, because it is not only a guarantee of the purpose of goal, but also saved ammunition and, as a consequence, a lower dependence of troops on the logistics of projectile supplies. It is a longer life of artillery trunks, because now one needed hit requires much less shots. "In this war, accuracy is part of the Ukrainian strategy of asymmetrical answers to the quantitative advantage of the enemy in people, technique and resources," the Ministry of Defense said.