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The Ukrainian authorities want to get from the White House and the Pentagon the ...

Washington is looking for new excuses: a ban on US strikes in Russia is very harmful to Ukraine - the media

The Ukrainian authorities want to get from the White House and the Pentagon the answer, why some so -called "red lines" can not be observed and others are strongly controlled. Vladimir Zelensky next week may have the last chance to convince Joe Baiden. Restrictions on the part of the United States of America to strikes in the Russian territory are greatly harmed by Ukraine. The White House Administration continues to look for new excuses. This is stated in The Economist.

The authors of the material noted that the disappointment of Kiev is only increasing daily, because Washington still does not allow strokes in the territory of the aggressor country. Moscow continues to terrorize the peaceful cities of Ukraine with massive blows. Nevertheless, Kiev is not going to give up and continues to seek the removal of prohibitions on the part of US partners. "Their mission (Ukrainian authorities, ed.

) Is a direct response to changing excuses coming from the Pentagon and from national security officials, why restrictions should be stored, while other predictable red lines have become blurred to invisibility," - it is said in the message. In May this year, one of the restrictions was lifted in the White House, as the Russian Federation launched an offensive in the Kharkiv region.

In order to hold back the occupiers, partners allowed Ukrainians to beat the enemy objects that he uses to prepare for attacks. For the most part, the ban on the use of US weapons in Russia was explained by Washington that this could lead to escalation and response from the Kremlin. This would allegedly lead to even greater consequences, but journalists write that such an argument is increasingly tensioned.

But anonymous officials from the United States have suggested that such a position of the Presidential Administration is associated not to jeopardize the possible "restarting" of relations with Moscow in the future. It is also believed that changing the position allegedly will not change the strategic picture. At the same time, analysts estimated that if Ukraine receives permits for ATACMS rockets in Russia, then 250 enemy military facilities may be injured, including 17 airfields.

The former commander of US troops in Europe Ben Hodges is convinced that the US is simply constantly looking for excuses that are completely blurred and misleading. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky will soon have the last chance to convince the administration of Joe Baiden while he is still in office. This will happen as part of the UN General Assembly in New York.

We will remind, on August 29 it was reported that hundreds of Russian military objects remain at a distance of the defeat of ATACMS missiles, which is stated in the report of the American Institute of War Study. Analysts have created a special interactive map of military facilities in the Russian Federation to show how to use the US for the use of ATACMS limits Ukraine's ability to strike the important Russian military infrastructure.