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By 2027, the Russian Air Force must receive 10 upgraded Tu-160m bombers. Such ai...

Another signal: who was calculated by Putin's indicative tour of Tu-160m

By 2027, the Russian Air Force must receive 10 upgraded Tu-160m bombers. Such aircraft can carry 12 low range nuclear missiles. The trip of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the aircraft factory, where he examined the upgraded Tu-160m aircraft, had to strengthen his signal of the event. This is stated in Reuters from February 22. Putin was flying on a Tu-160m bomber capable of carrying nuclear weapons.

The media suggests that this will be perceived by Western politicians as a "vivid reminder" of the nuclear potential of the aggressor country. The "giant" Russian aircraft was given to NATO Kodov's name Blackjacks. State television showed how Putin descended the ladder after the flight and praised the bomber for reliability. The President of the Russian Federation emphasized that it is a "new machine" in which "a lot of new" and which is easier to control.

" The publication emphasizes that Putin has chosen time for his flight, when there are many differences between Russia and Western countries - because of the war in Ukraine and the death of the oppositionist Alexei Navalny. Some Russian and American diplomats have admitted that they did not remember the time when there were worse relations between the nuclear states. Putin's flight was reported half an hour. His trajectory is classified.

The Tu-160M ​​crew consists of four people, and it can carry 12 winged missiles or low range nuclear missiles. "The Russian nuclear doctrine establishes the conditions under which the Russian president will consider the possibility of using nuclear weapons: as a whole, as a response to an attack with the use of nuclear or other weapons of mass destruction or the use of ordinary weapons against Russia," when the existence of the state is threatened "," - said in the media.

At the same time, Putin stated that no one in common sense would dare to use nuclear weapons against Russia. In 2018, a contract was signed, under which the Russian Air Force should be delivered by 2027 to 10 modernized Tu-160m aircraft. The cost of each such bomber is $ 163 million. Producers of Tu-160M ​​assure that the upgraded version will be more efficient than the older by 60%. We will remind, on February 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the Kazan airline (Kaz).