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Germany is losing immunity from fascism, which is increasingly active, comments ...

The Germans are more and more than Putin: why regional elections in Germany become a threat to Ukraine

Germany is losing immunity from fascism, which is increasingly active, comments on the results of regional elections, journalist Orest Sohar. In thurning and Saxony, they confidently won the far -right and ultra -right. Germany loses immunity from fascism . . . which is increasingly active. German policies are not able to determine who is more threatening today: Russian imperialism or their own voters.

You will be surprised, but the German electorate caresses much more horror on the Scholz team than the Kremlin's brothers Angela Merkel. Recall how the Federal Republic of Germany has laid twice less money in the Bundesovsk treasury to help Ukraine this year. This was explained by the lack of funds. But in fact, it is a hazardous attempt by the Scholz team to avoid defeat in the Federal Elections next year.

In the recent local elections in German Thurinies and Saxony, a generous vote harvest was harvested by parties that are assisted by Ukraine. It is a far -right pro -Russian "alternative for Germany" and left, even ultralovu, to be honest - "The Alliance of Sarah Wagenknecht" (BSW). In particular, they have gained more than 60% of the votes in Thuriation and almost half in Saxony. In thuring, for example, without ultras, it is not possible to form a coalition.

This is the first victory of the far -right in the local elections in Germany since the Nazis. The analogy is not accidental, here is just one eloquent episode: the head of the regional "alternative" department in the Turning of Bjorn Hokke used the forbidden Nazi slogan until a fine was received. Many sources claim that the party is funded by the Kremlin. "Adn" is called racists, extremists and other bad words that can describe a typical Russian "Z-Patriot".

The Ultral "Alliance Sarah Wagenknecht" requires to stop Kiev's military support and to go to negotiations with the Kremlin furer, as well as to wrap its rating on migrants. In other words, Sarah is a kind of Donald Trump, only in a German skirt. "Our country cannot and should not get used to it. " Adn "harm Germany. It weakens the economy, divides society and destroys the country's reputation," Scholt said.

The success of extreme populists is partly explained by the fact that all dissatisfied they are wrapped under their wing, playing on related feelings: as Euroskeptics, promise to give the country a palisade, to abandon the euro as currency, to send all migrants to Mars . . . or at least in the Arabic hinter More tasty, the sausages are tastier and the air is cleaner. In fact, populists do not dive into problems, but promise to solve them with the help of political magic.

And "bonus" - peace and friendship with the greatest dictator of the present. Germany is another country where creeping Putinism corrodes the consciousness of a large part of the nation. And it is not even Belarus and not post -socialist Hungary. Such sentiment among the burner electorate, as a result, is forced to be a pro -government beaumond "in new fashion" and be more critical in matters of migration, and at the same time - even more cautious in support of Ukraine, etc.