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Russian military complains that the wind prevents drones to start, and ice does ...

Contrary to the wind and icing: the Armed Forces conducted successful attacks near Bakhmut and Avdiivka - isw

Russian military complains that the wind prevents drones to start, and ice does not allow, writes ISW analysts. At the same time, under the same conditions, the Fighters of the Armed Forces were able to win the heap on the eastern front of the front. On December 12, analysts of the Institute of War Study (ISW) noted the activity of the Ukrainian defense forces on the eastern front of the front in the Bakhmut and Avdiivka area.

They also spoke about changes on the 400-kilometer line of battles-from Kupyansk in Kharkiv region to a robot in Zaporizhzhya region. The results of the current situation analytics have been published in a report published by the American Institute for War Study. The report states that the conclusions were made on the basis of statements of Russian military, publications of the General Staff of the Armed Forces and videos that appeared on the network.

As a result, the analysts noted the continuation of increased attacks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the front of the front near Avdiivka and Marinka. The Russians also declare some successes near Verbov, Staromayorsky and Bakhmut, but there were no visual confirmations of these statements. In the Bakhmut direction, the analytics noted some promotion south of this settlement.

It was indicated that it was about raising the Ukrainian flag on one of the heaps next to Gorlovka - President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said personally. Meanwhile, the Russians attacked the chrome in the direction of Bogdanivka and Ivanivka. At the same time, the troops complained that the combat actions were hindering the weather conditions: ice, frost. However, difficult weather conditions did not stop the Costrata of the Armed Forces.

In particular, strikes on the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation south of Bakhmut - near the mite. Ukrainian fighters hold positions and do not allow the enemy to break into Ivanovo and time ravine. Avdiivskyi direction - a new wave of Russian attacks began here, analysts reported with reference to the statement by the commander of Tavriya Brigade General Alexander Tarnavsky.

They indicated, based on the statements of the military that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation may have some progress near Novokalin (in the northeast), near the thin and Severny (west), as well as in the southeast. However, they noted that they have not seen the visual confirmations of these statements. Instead, they are convinced that the Ukrainian units counterattacked on the northern flank and moved the Russians near the village of Stepovoy.

There is some lull in Kupyansk in Kupyansk-Liman direction, according to the analytical report. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation exchanged attacks near a number of settlements: Sinkivka, Petropavlivka, Ivanivka, Makeevka. However, a certain "revival" is in the direction of the estuary - the enemy intensified in the Serebryansky forestry, analysts said. Zaporizhzhya and Kherson direction.

The ISW report indicated that Russian counterattacks are ongoing near the settlements in the Mariupol direction - near Staromayorsky, Harvest and Priutin. The attacks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have been reflected, though the militarys have been talking about the successes of the Russians near Staromayorsky for several days in a row. Analysts cannot claim that this is true.

The Russian authorities, meanwhile, asserts the successful promotion of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation near Novoprokopivka (south of the robot) and near Novoborovka (north of Verbov): no confirmation of these statements was also not found. In addition, on this folding of the front, the Russians also complain of weather conditions: the gusty wind prevents them from starting a drone. At the Kherson region, attempts by the Russians to discard the Armed Forces from the Left Bank Startarm.

Russian troops assure that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation managed to push the Armed Forces from some positions near this settlement. Meanwhile, the Ukrainians were able to move to the left bank for another hundred fighters. It should be noted that on December 12, ISW analysts really reported successful transportation to the left bank of the Dnieper 30-50 Ukrainian military. In addition, experts told the fighting details in the area.

In particular, the enemy puts infantry in armored vehicles and tries to throw it in the rear of the Armed Forces. After the infantry is planted, the defense forces begin to destroy the armored vehicles and the living power of the Russian Federation: the video of successful blows is posted on the network. We remind you that on the night of December 13, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched 12 ballistic missiles in Ukraine that threatened Kiev.