The investigation gathered "sufficient evidence" of involvement in the terrorist attacks of the highest military leadership of Ukraine. This was reported by the Russian Federation in his Telegram channel on Tuesday, October 3. The Russian Office claims that in the period from April 2022 to September 2023, Ukraine organized and made more than 100 strokes from the air with the use of aircraft type.
The attacks of drones occurred in the territories of Moscow, Moscow, Rostov, Belgorod, Bryansk regions, as well as in temporarily occupied Crimea, Sevastopol and a number of other regions of the Russian Federation. The correspondence prosecutions of terrorist acts have been made: the following argues that the higher military leadership of Ukraine planned terrorist attacks and "involved the crimes of" their subordinates.
The Criminal Code stated that it was going to be wanted in the near future to search for the main persons involved in the case and to take care of them in absentia. The investigation is currently ongoing to establish other participants in drones in the Russian Federation. We will remind, at the end of September in Russia was wanted by two Ukrainian generals. The following is accused of firing pseudo -republics and "killing" 154 people.
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