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The promotion of the enemy in the direction of Pokrovsk can be stopped, confiden...

There are two chances to protect Pokrovsk. What can the Armed Forces do to restrain the Russian troops

The promotion of the enemy in the direction of Pokrovsk can be stopped, confident military analyst Konstantin Mashovets. He describes two chances that the Armed Forces will succeed, especially emphasizing the most important sense in the Ukrainian defense of the city of Selidovo. In the Pokrovsky direction, apparently, the enemy completes the tasks of the first stage of his Intercession operation.

And, most likely, in the near future will carry out some regrouping of forces and means within the strip of action of its grouping of troops (UVs) "Center": his main efforts in this lane the enemy focuses on conducting almost continuous attacking \ assault actions in directions: Crane - ray (target.

- to break in the southern outskirts of Mirnograd), as well as Mykolaivka - Novogrodivka, Mykolaivka - Marynivka (the goal of double - the exit to the northern outskirts of Selidovo and further promotion in the direction of Pokrovsk along the railway). Why is the enemy local regrouping and what is caused by? In fact, two things, or better to say, two chances of a Ukrainian command to stabilize the situation in the at least Pokrovsky direction . . . I would call it a "unexpected lesson" or "transfer".

The thing is.

In the Pokrovsky direction of the Armed Forces, obviously, they have a chance to slow down, and then stop the enemy due to one important factor - "natural conditions", namely - the obvious availability of certain interference and obstacles for the systematic and gradual promotion of enemy troops, which are related to The presence in the lane of his offensive actions of a kind of barrier border, which runs along the rivers Zhuravka and Kaznny Torets, and a whole cascade of small ponds and reservoirs, related to them.

But in order to truly stop the enemy on the approaches to Pokrovsk, it is necessary to at least be on a conditional segment of Elizabeth-Selidovo prepared and developed defensive positions (in particular in engineering and forming plan, including areas of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) as a system equipped battalion areas of defense, cut -off positions, masked and covered fire positions for artillery, armored vehicles and other means of damage.

I doubt that all this is there at this time… Arrangement of the full first and second positions of the main border of defense, not to mention its other elements, in a situation of direct contact with the enemy, which also has a significant advantage in critical-important types of means The lesion (aircraft component, artillery, and in places and shock UAVs of the tactical zone), and in general in the total number of forces and means is unlikely.

Therefore, it is likely that stop the enemy on this turn - will not work. Moreover, its advanced units are already fighting in the village. Red Yar (if not north) and in the village. Grodivka. In addition, its advanced units continue to "press" in the area of ​​the farms of Novotoretske and Sviridonivka. That is, already directly on this hypothetical defense.

So, we can state that the enemy has already reached this "hypothetical-stabilization" line, and at once in several places, and is actively trying to break through for him. And, accordingly, I mentioned the chance of keeping it, as for me, "get to zero" . . . However, if it still happens, it will be a real (another) miracle of the Armed Forces. It is connected with Selidovo.

It is obvious that any future movement of the enemy towards Pokrovsk will be connected with the need for its command to implement a whole set of measures, which in the military art is usually called "providing flanks". At this time, in the lane of the 2nd "Guard" name of the enemy and the 90th tank division (TD), which operates south of it, in this regard, let's just say, a "somewhat problematic" situation.

The fact is that the advanced units of the 27th Motorized Rifle Division (IAS), the 15th, 30th and 114th OMSBR of the enemy are actively and intensively attacked \ storm in the front of the lap of the lane-from the waist to Karlovka, but essential and essential and essential Not tangible promotion is not throughout this lane. At least at the same time.

Of course, the Ukrainian command in such a situation sees and has the desire to carry out counterattacking actions on the flanks of shock tactical groups of the enemy. But because of a shortage of forces and means, it does not have this opportunity, and their level of combat capability in this regard looks sufficiently controversial.

However, at all, at the beginning of the review, I emphasized your attention, dear readers, on the very fact of liquidation by the enemy of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces on the Vovchiy River and the promotion of the enemy in the Novozhelanne area - Komyshivka - Ptich - Testament.

From a formal point of view, it is quite possible to consider the successful "providing of the left (southern) flank of" those forces and means of the 2nd name of the enemy, which come, in fact, on Pokrovsk (Zhelanne-Novogrodivka Directorate). Moreover, the enemy is actively attacking Marynivka now, apparently, trying to "provide the flank of" this part of his troops, which acts, figuratively speaking, "in the direction of the main blow.

" And the "problem" itself is that its further (deeper) promotion to Pokrovsk will clearly be connected with a certain risk of risk. First of all, because the Armed Forces continue to keep the area of ​​Selidovo (and, accordingly, have the opportunity to organize and carry out more or less "tactical" significant "counter-attacking actions to it in the flank).

Moreover, this kind of action become even more likely, because the Armed Forces continue not to keep that it is the city of Selidovo, but also the Kalinovo - Karlovka - Halytsynivka - Meemik, located even more than the city. In other words, any movement of the enemy in the direction of Novogrodivka is a significant risk for him to get a full "exacerbation" in his "left house" . . .

All this understands the Russian command (his stubborn attacks towards Marynivka and Karlovka roads-Selidovo from the northern " Rumba "This is very eloquently evidenced). Therefore, there is a high proportion of the probability that the units of the 90th TD of the enemy operating in this direction will be intensified in the near future.

In general, from an operational-tactical point of view, further "wide-format" actions of the enemy towards Pokrovsk will clearly require it in the near future a whole complex of "providing" actions. And this applies not only to the flanks of the 2nd name of the enemy, which operates in this direction.

Therefore, as for me, the enemy's command in this sense will be forced to carry out a local regrouping of her forces and means in the near future, perhaps even strengthening it with additional troops. Moreover, it is obvious that the Russian command in this sense will have to perform a sufficiently significant "volume of works" on the adjacent flank of UV "Yug" (in the strip of 1st AK), as well as in the strips of his 41st name.

First of all, in the sense of reconciling the actions of the forces and means operating there, with the "general concept" of the onset of Pokrovsk . . . In the "coming battle for Pokrovsk" (if it, of course, is coming, in which I am further - the more doubt) the fate of Pokrovsk himself) But the cities of Selidov will be straight, I would even say - very closely, interconnected . . . The author expresses a personal opinion that may not coincide with the editorial position.