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In yesterday, Putin, journalist Vadim Denysenko distinguishes one moment that ha...

15-20 elders. Who will rule Russia in the Putin's last term

In yesterday, Putin, journalist Vadim Denysenko distinguishes one moment that has the greatest influence on Russia's future. The dictator tries to describe the contours of power in the coming years. Putin's rather tight speech suddenly summoned a lively discussion at one point. This is the point that the old elites of the 90s should be replaced with new ones-who grew up on "their". Our liberal Russians immediately began interpretations of new cleaning, etc.

So, I want to express my point of view, which can be reduced to one thesis: there will be no global clearing. Putin is stuck in order to build mode 2. 0. However, these elections, as the election of a life-long emperor, will change the country management system where all previous arrangements with elites will be updated, the Kremlin towers will lose their current powers, and the system will be held on 15-20 old elders, each of which will fight for the right to be gray.

Cardinal in a particular sphere of economy (more details about the model and who is, I will describe in a study that will come out in the second half of March, but the basic difference from the Soviet political bureau: the absence, at least in the first stage, consensus, all decisions will accept Putin).

Returning to Putin's statement about the elite clearing, it is necessary to understand that his statement means that all these changes will not touch the key players who are now in Putin's closest environment. At least in the first stage. P. S, of course, the topic of the Russian narrative of negotiations and peace is a separate topic, but I would like to draw your attention to how Russia's "opposition", and above all Sobchak, they spoke in one voice that Putin's message was about peace.

This thesis is one of the most important in order to understand how the authorities will try to break 7-10% of relatively monolithic 23% of Russians who speak of the rejection of war and Putin. Now I will only say what I say for the last few months - the main narrative of Russian propaganda: "The peaceful Russia wants negotiations, and Ukraine does not want.