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The hit of combat copter on the unmanned reconnaissance are exceptional cases th...

Kamikadze is not a solution. What should Ukraine be knocked down by Russian Zala and Eagles

The hit of combat copter on the unmanned reconnaissance are exceptional cases that have occurred solely due to the high skill of pilots. To make them massive, completely different tools are needed, Ukrainian UAV manufacturers consider. In early June, the Defense Forces of Ukraine demonstrated several cases when Russian reconnaissance drones Zala and Orlan-10 were able to impress with FPV-pans. The focus analyzed how effective technology is and whether it can develop in something more serious.

In February, the first recorded case occurred when the Ukrainian military with the help of the FPV-aroma knocked down a Russian aircraft-type drone. This happened in the sky above the Kherson region by the efforts of the soldiers of the unmanned shock complexes "Ajax" 126 of the Brigade of Territorial Defense of Ukraine. According to the defenders, the invaders then began to receive the UAV of an unknown model with explosive parts weighing from 2. 5 to 5 kg.

For a long time, nothing like this happened until a video of the defeat of the Russian UAV Zala 421-16e appeared. The video was cut off at a considerable distance from the aircraft, but it can be assumed that the FPV-Dron was equipped with a remote exploration function. Soon, another similar video was published, this time Dron Kamikadze struck Zala 421-16e into the left wing, although he actively maneuvered, trying to avoid collision.

In addition to Zala, the Russian "Orlan-10", lined with a drone under the control of special forces of the SBU Special Operations Center, was also recently injured. The military gave the evidence of the lesion - the hostile drone fell in the field, and he removed from the air on the video the reconnaissance UAV of Ukrainians. Focus has already said that such Russian UAVs, thanks to new technologies, fly deeply into the rear of Ukraine and rockets.

"Orlans", Zala and Supersam in the autopilot mode over the curtain of the EW, and then pass the video of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation together with the coordinates of potential goals. The focus discussed the appearance of such interceptors with Igor Krynichko, the chairman of the Skyssist supervisory board, which produces Sirko's military unmanned military complexes. According to the expert, the laws of interception are the same for both unmanned and manned aviation.

In this sense, the most important thing is not even the speed of flight, but the accuracy of the hit. In this regard, FPVrons are very ineffective, although they can harm the occupiers due to the skill of pilots. "I understand that we have no choice, we are ready to even throw sticks from the earth to knock enemy drones. But, in my opinion, today interception with FPV is a very cripple solution. It is, so to speak, a" crutch "that We use until there is a better solution.

He recalled that even when tagging on the targets on the ground FPV-aroma is not very good statistics-only 10% -15% of the total number are involved. In the sky, kissing the moving target in three -dimensional space is even more difficult. According to the expert, the FPV-Drome managed to hit the Russian UAVs only because the enemy operators did not expect it, and the rapprochement happened at low speed. "By managing FPV, you do everything with your own hands to hit.

And a rise in the target that fluctuates is similar to circus tricks. Well, there are such successful cases, but this is not a mass solution," says Igor Krynichko. The situation of the focus was also commented by Andrey Stepa, a co-owner of Airunit, which produces FPV-punks and supplies Rer/HR. According to him, the success of intercepting the FPV-aternal to the Russian reconnaissance UAV depends entirely on the data collected and the experience of the pilot.

There are no automated systems for finding goals in the air and bringing the drone to it from Ukrainians and Russians yet. Much also depends on the complexes of electronic intelligence that help UAV operators. "The very idea of ​​using FPV to defeat reconnaissance wings without the implemented technology of automatic targeting is one big drawback. 9 out of 10 boards are simply lost due to lack of time, lack of navigation and target data.

And these are quite successful units," Andrew says Steppe. Airunit representative see the further development of interceptors as follows: FPV-Dron of the aircraft type with a small wing swing and simple startup system (conditionally hand). It should be armed with a combat part with Shrapnell - this will allow you to hit more elements of the enemy board and disable it. Such devices will be able to hit any target that moves at a moderate speed, but they will not gather hostile rockets or planes.

Igor Krynychko assures that in order to effectively knock down Russian intelligence drones, drones must have automated guidance systems. The human body cannot adjust the direction of flight at the required speed and accuracy, in which case the situation changes in the fate of a second. "Any interceptor must have a one and a half times higher than the target speed.

Conditionally, if Zala or" Orlan-10 "flies 20 meters per second, then the interceptor should fly 30 meters per second, this is the first rule for everyone,"-said Skyssist manager. Over time, there will be "specialization of specialized equipment", says Igor Krynichko. That is, drones will appear that can intercept other hostile goals, such as helicopters or Shahaned shock drones - these should be UAVs with other speeds and means of damage. "Kamikadze is not a solution.

There will be machines that can carry separate means of damage, perhaps rockets. Because disposable systems that will have enough resources to go out on the target and accurately hit it will not be cheap. Accordingly, the military will be lost every time Expensive device, " - said the reason. He shared that Skyassist is now working on the modification of his Sirko drones so that they can intercept enemy UAV.

Soon Sirko can get an automatic guidance system and "smart" winged ammunition, which will pursue the target after starting and hit it in the sky. The drone will then be able to return to the Ukrainian military for reloading, and then go hunting again. Igor Krynichko expects that Russia will also think about the interception of UAV and draw conclusions after the first apparatus is used. Any Ukrainian intelligence drones Sirko, Lelek-100, PD-2 and others will be at risk of destruction.

Aircraft are likely to appear that can also intercept large long -range drones that strike in the Russian Federation, such as "Beaver" or "February". However, small unmanned devices (such as quadcopters) are most effectively knocked down by radio electronic fight. The developers should look in advance and look for more reliable technologies. Because the Russians also think in this direction. "Now the ministry is repeating what happened in the big aviation.

At first there were scouts, then pilots on the biplanes began to shoot on scouts from the" Naganov ". Then there were bombers, fighters. That is, we are going the same way and sooner or later The drones will have the best and more accurate systems of the lesions of drones. The first aircraft in the early 20th century were not very effective, as well as now FPV-punks in the role of UAV interceptors.

Therefore, they later created specialized aircraft adapted to the performance of specific combat missions. The same thing now has to be done with drones, he believes. "The flywheel has already been launched. The technology of radio frequency signals and their types has long been overtaken by the means of combating it. The issue of time when new types of UAVs will emerge, and the issue of their destruction, instead of suppressing a radio frequency interference, has long been raised.