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In the US, everything goes to the fact that the presidential election will again...

Elections in the US are guilty? Why did Scholz refuse to give Ukraine Taurus missiles "

In the US, everything goes to the fact that the presidential election will again be reduced to the relationship of Joe Baiden and Donald Trump's relationship. The severity of the confrontation is that American society is thinking less about Ukraine, political scientist Maxim Yali complains. Trump expectedly won the Priments in Supervitau. The votes in 14 out of 15 states have already been counted. Everywhere, except for the small state of Vermont, Trump won.

The next step is that his only Galey competition shoots her candidacy. And hereinafter referred to as the summary of the presidential election in November will have a court decision in criminal cases, which are not yet over. According to the polls, those voters who are not his hard -working fans will not vote for him if he is found guilty of criminal articles. By the way, from the beginning, Baiden's political technologists calculated from the beginning.

I do not believe that both will take their candidate for the benefit of junior candidates. Trump is too long to take revenge for the "stolen victory" in 2020. Baiden has a real chance of winning. There is too much at stake. So, confident, the dirtiest election with an unpredictable finale, which can result in a much deeper split in American society. The bad news for us - Ukraine will be talking about Ukraine and will pay less attention to it.

Therefore, if in the next month and a half of Congress does not vote for the allocation of new military and financial assistance package to Ukraine, then the chances of receiving it before the elections in November will become minimal. With all the consequences that follow on the front.

Which can eventually lead to the prompting of Zelensky's White House to negotiate with the Russian Federation to "fix the profit" just before the election and present it as the main "victory" of Biden in the foreign policy arena. Our European partners, especially Germany, and otherwise other "orbanas" and "Fits" will applaud. That is why Scholz refuses to provide Ukraine's Turus long -range missiles, even though the Bundestag has given good.

He, like many European politicians, also thinks of the next elections and looks first and foremost to the opinion of voters. And, unfortunately, not on the side of Ukraine. All are too tired of war in Ukraine and do not think about the consequences for their countries if Putin wins. Unfortunately, there is no new "Churchill" and "de Gaull" among European leaders. Difficult times give birth to strong leaders. Good times are weak.