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Improved ammunition was created to defeat American and French art plants. In pra...

In the pursuit of laser. Launching the Krasnopol projectile will increase the losses of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: what is the disadvantage of ammunition

Improved ammunition was created to defeat American and French art plants. In practice, Russians run the risk of additional losses due to its complex guidance system. The focus understood whether the Krasnopol projectile was really such a unique shell and whether the Armed Forces had better counterparts. The Russian military began to use a modernized 152-mm controlled projectile "Krasnopol" in Ukraine. The export version of the Krasnopol-M2 projectile has a caliber of 155 mm.

The projectile allegedly affects the targets up to 25 kilometers with increased accuracy, subject to all the conditions of application, said ammunition developer, Holding "High -precision complexes" from the structure of "Rostekh". Improved Krasnopol, according to Russian engineers, equipped with its own engine, and the percentage of target damage increased to 90%. It can be released from self-propelled howitzers "MSTA-S", "MSTA-SM" and "Coalition-SV".

Russian military experts believe that unlike the western ammunition of the same calibers, "Krasnopol" proved to be on the front "in perfect form". Artillerymen adjusting it in flight to moving objects. "Current revisions are based on" their ". This experience was very quickly implemented, which testifies to the large modernization work of the Krasnopol projectile.

The finalization of ammunition improves and raises its efficiency and is very much waiting (invaders on the front - - the propagandists say. The laser guide system of the Krasnopol projectile can play an evil joke with the Russian military. The drone or scout should be close to the enemy equipment and illuminate it with a laser and then the projectile will hit.

"The fundamental disadvantage of Krasnopol ammunition is a constant need for adjustment," - explains the focus military expert Pavel Narozhny. The guidance process looks like this: the scout is selected to the target and shines on it with a laser. Or another option, the Orlan drone is launched and adjusts the projectile. Roszmi write that the upgraded Krasnopol was created for firing on American Artauclements M777 and French Caesar by line of collision.

The task of destroying Western equipment is difficult, because modern guns are equipped with detectors. The military of the Armed Forces will immediately hear a signal of alert about the danger when illuminating a laser, says the people. A group of artillery intelligence must be found before the laser.

After that, it is necessary to deploy and adjust the equipment, put the right ray, establish a connection with the artillerymen and transfer all the teams for the shot, adds Colonel of the Armed Forces, military expert Petro Chernik. "The approach to such a close distance to the Armed Forces positions will be a real problem. It is much easier to program the ammunition to the target, as is done in the case of an Excalibur projectile from the M777 gun," the expert comments.

The Russians praise the projectile more to raise the morale of the invaders. In practice, Krasnopol will be suitable in confrontation with a weak opponent who has neither aerial reconnaissance nor the remedies. "Conditionally shoot in the mountains in Chechnya or bins," the expert summed up. The Krasnopol projectile is much more expensive than the ordinary artillery and its main competitor is considered to be an 155-mm Excalibur projectile.

According to Pavel Nazhny, the Russian Federation did not establish a mass production of a improved projectile "Krasnopol", their production boundary - up to 100 pieces. But the event releases Excalibur in a large volume, so the Armed Forces in counter -battering struggle often have advantages. According to the expert, Excalibur explodes over the target due to the set radar. The energy of the explosion and the fragments of fragments are directed directly to the target.

"The Western Excalibur projectile flies behind the GPS signal, but it is suppressed by Russian Reb. Himars and shells have no such problems because, in addition to GPS, they have an inertial adjustment system," the Narozhnya said. We will remind, the airborne troops of the Russian Federation have up to 130 units of howitzers "carnation" and up to 140 howitzers D-30. North Korea can send more than 500,000 ammunition to Russia to these installations.