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It seems that Russia has completely lost the aircraft carrier fleet, sums up the...

The end of the RF aircraft carriers: why cannot go into the sea "Admiral Kuznetsov"

It seems that Russia has completely lost the aircraft carrier fleet, sums up the military observer David ex in the column for The Telegraph. The fate of the known "Admiral Kuznetsov" is an example of the degradation of the Navy of the Russian Federation, which has lost the opportunity to receive engines of production of Ukraine.

The only aircraft carrier of the Russian Navy, the ill-fated "Admiral Kuznetsov", had to leave the port of Murmansk in northern Russia this spring for the first time in seven years. This is stated in the report of the Russian state media for July 2023. "Kuznetsov" did not go. Instead, a 58,000-strong ship, which was launched in 1985, which was part of the Soviet fleet six years later, remains near the pier in Murmansk.

Recent satellite images show that construction equipment is still scattered on its deck with a length of 1001 feet. The Russian aircraft carrier has no catapult, but there are brake cables. It manages specially constructed jet fighters with tail hooks and reinforced glider, which allow you to stop after landing, as well as with complex wings for use on board the ship.

These Russian aircraft carriers do not have vertical draft equipment: they take off from the springboard on their own, which means that they cannot carry as much fuel and weapons as they can run-in or catapult. However, Russian carriages are equipped for refueling in the air. In Russia, there are two types of deck fighters: Su-33, which was originally equipped with Kuznetsov, and the latest MiG-29. Apparently, the Navy of Russia purchased only 24 specimens of each type.

It was expected that the old "dry" would end their service life in about 2015, but at least some of them have been reported to be repaired and upgraded and still suitable for flights. The fact that Kuznetsov missed the planned start of the running testing after major repairs is an ominous feature of reducing the aviation potential of the Russian Navy. For many years, experts have suggested that Kuznetsov would never be involved again. It looks more likely because the ship is delayed in the port.

From the moment of commissioning 33 years ago, "Kuznetsov" made only seven patrols. According to the standards of other naval forces equipped with aircraft carriers, it is not a very impressive deployment rate. During the last advanced campaign in 2016 near the shores of Syria, the war -ripping of the ship lost two aircraft as a result of three weeks of accidents: an unacceptable level of losses for a connection that has only three dozen aircraft or so.

The second accident, apparently, occurred due to the rupture of the brake rope during the landing: the aircraft flew over the ship and fell into the sea, but the pilot managed to catapult and rescued it. The reports were reported that Kuznetsova aircraft went ashore to work with a land base in Syria, while the aircraft carrier repair system was carried out.

The accidents during the deployment of aircraft in Syria were the first in a long number of recent events, which further tarnished the reputation of an unreliable aircraft carrier. In October 2018, Kuznetsov was seriously injured in the port of Roslyakovo near Murmansk, being repaired in a dry dock. Fourteen months later, in December 2019, a fire broke out during the repair work on Kuznetsov. Two workers were killed. The flames have even more damaged the already worn electric system of the vessel.

When the smoke was scattered and the extent of the damage became clear, the fleet executives considered the possibility of decommissioning the worn old vessel. Instead, the Kremlin decided to repair Kuznetsov while replacing the ancient boilers of the ship. They erupt thick black smoke because the ship burns "fuel oil" is a kind of low -quality heavy fuel that is often used at power plants and for heating in the countries of the former Soviet Union.

In the west, raw oil fractions that are part of the fuel oil are usually subject to catalytic cracking with diesel fuel and lighter distillates. Kuznetsova boilers and steam turbines are not just smoking: they are also unreliable. The old ship was often accompanied by a large ocean tugboat that towed it in the event of a break. After the last long stay in the dock Kuznetsov was planned to be returned to the sea for tests in 2022. But then, in December 2022, another fire broke out on the ship.

The head of the United Shipbuilding Corporation Alexei Rakhmanov stated that the fire was "small". "All the relevant fire systems worked normally," Rakhmanov said. - "There are no losses and casualties. " It may have been true. The fire of 2022 may not have detained the already long -delayed overhaul of Kuznetsova. But something happened.

Usually, American shipyards take about three years to overhaul one of the 11 US Navy aircraft carriers; Currently, it took the Russian shipyard seven years to overhaul the smaller size and a less complex Kuznetsov ship with a traditional engine - and the end is not visible. Any other fleet, equipped with aircraft carriers, could simply reduce their losses, get out of operation a hopelessly old platform and build a new one instead.

But the Russian industry is probably unable to create a direct replacement for Kuznetsov. The Russian surface shipyards never recovered from the collapse of the Soviet Union. Some large old ships, such as "Kuznetsov" remain in order, but new construction is almost completely focused on smaller and simple surface ships - frigates, corvettes and patrols of the coastal zone - as well as submarines. "The main problem is engines," says Pavel Luzin, a military expert at the University of Perm.

Plants in Ukraine produced most of the large marine engines of the Soviet fleet. It goes without saying that Ukrainians no longer export large defense products to Russia, including these engines. And the Russians failed to establish their own production of such engines. Western sanctions complicate, and even completely prevent the import of relevant foreign power plants.

Perhaps the strongest signal that the Navy has virtually abandoned Kuznetsov or its short -term replacement is what they do with aircraft carrier. The fleet placed a part of 22 MiG-29kr aircraft carrier in northern Russia for land patrol. Other naval migs seem to be thrown to the Crimea to support the Russian air campaign. In mid-May, the Ukrainian rocket strike at the Crimean airfield has failed at least one Russian MiG-29-perhaps one of the former aircraft carrier aircraft.

The fact that the Russians are ready to take the risk of unique aircraft carriers in battle in Ukraine emphasizes how unlikely that the same planes will ever return to the sea. Russian aircraft carrier aviation fades, and more successful countries - the United Kingdom, Japan, Turkey and others - join the aircraft carrier club - or return to it. The author expresses a personal opinion that may not coincide with the editorial position.