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Open distribution devices of nuclear power plants and transmission substations m...

The Russian Federation is preparing strokes on Ukrainian NPP facilities: the Foreign Ministry warns of the risk of nuclear incident

Open distribution devices of nuclear power plants and transmission substations may be under the blow of the terrorist country. They are critical for the safe operation of nuclear power. Russia is preparing strikes on the critical objects of Ukraine's nuclear power on the eve of winter. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukrina Andriy Sibiga announced this on September 21, 2024.

According to Ukrainian intelligence, open distribution devices of nuclear power plants and transmission substations may be open under the enemy. As they say in the Foreign Ministry, they are critical for the safe operation of nuclear power. "The defeat of these objects creates a high risk of a nuclear incident that will have global consequences.

The Ukrainian intelligence services have already been transmitted to partners," the Foreign Ministry said, adding that the risk was also informed of the IAEA. Ukraine asks the IAEA to ensure the constant expanded presence of missions on all nuclear objects that can be the object for attack of the Russian Federation. "Russia is the only country that seized a nuclear power station in Europe by blackmailing the world.

The Ukrainian formula of peace contains a point of providing radiation and nuclear security. We call on all international organizations and states that respect the UN Charter, prevent the terrorist scenario,"-added In the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry. We will remind, the IAEA called on Russia immediately to return the ZPP under control of Ukraine.