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Among others, Killer Vadim Krasikov and Russian spies Artem and Anna Dulsev, who...

FSB killer and spies spouse: the next hours will be exchanged between Russia, USA, Germany and Belarus - the media

Among others, Killer Vadim Krasikov and Russian spies Artem and Anna Dulsev, who gave themselves for the citizens of Argentina. Or Slovenia is simply extraordinary. Russian spies arrested in Slovenia, who gave themselves for the citizens of Argentina Ludwig Gysha and Maria Razel Muno, but are in fact Artem Viktorovich Dulsev and Anna Valeryevna Dulseva, can be exchanged for citizens of European countries and the United States in the framework and Belarus. About it reports the Slovenian channel N1.

Dulsev confessed to the secret process in the District Court of Lublyany, at 12:20 the sentence was read later. During espionage, they were sentenced to a general punishment in one year and seven months of imprisonment, which they have already been in custody as much as they had already done. Now Slovenia is preparing for their deportation. The decision is final. Two Russian spies were present during the sentence, and the N1 cameras also exclusively recorded their withdrawal from court.

According to N1, they are part of a larger exchange of prisoners, which is expected to occur between Russia, the United States of America, Germany and Belarus in the next hours. In addition to the illegals arrested in Slovenia, Vladimir Putin may also, after many years, return the killer from the Russian Secret Service of the FSB. Anna Dulseva and Artem Viktorovich Dulsev have been in custody since December 5, 2022, when police arrested them in the Lyublya district of Chrunuche.

According to N1, two Russian spies maintained silence. As it became known to journalists today, they were caught during detention when they sent information to Moscow. In the Russian reconnaissance apparatus, those spies that have been trained at home for years are considered illegal, and then they leave Russia, and instead should also give up contact with members of their family, since nothing should link them to Russia.

They often go abroad in pairs, get married and have children for a more convincing impression that they are just an ordinary family and no more. First of all, they build their fake personality abroad. The special services state that they build a legend, but it should not be Russian and should be confirmed by personal documents that are inspected. Two Russian spies arrested in Slovenia had Argentine passports and came to Slovenia from Argentina in 2017.

In the target country, they work under deep cover and produce information. They are well equipped with technically. And they build relationships with politicians, diplomats, businessmen, art figures from whom information is important for the Kremlin. The cover of Russian spies in Slovenia was a computer company and an online art gallery, as well as an office on Parmov Street in Ljubljana.

According to N1, Russian spies will become part of a larger exchange of prisoners, which is expected to take place in the next few hours between Russia, the USA, Germany and Belarus, and several other countries also participate in it.

It is said that after many years of effort, Putin even managed to include in the exchange list of the Killer of the Russian secret service of the FSB Vadim Krasikov, who killed in 2019 in Berlin in 2019, the former Chechen commander Zelimman Khangshvili, who fought against Russia in the Second Chechen War in 2019. Krasikov came to Berlin Park on a bicycle.

At first, he shot in the back of Hangshvili, who came from the mosque, then climbed from the bicycle and twice shot him in his head from close distance. There were also many children at the time of liquidation in Berlin park. He was sentenced to life imprisonment in Germany.

Pressure to the west in order to include the prisoners in Germany Krasikov in exchange of prisoners, which the countries of the West have resisted for a long time, according to N1, was carried out with Belarus, only a few days ago. Slovenia has no citizens who need to be released from Russian prisons, so Dulsev can simply be extradited.

It is not excluded that the exchange list will include German Rico Krigher, who was first sentenced to the execution by a court in Belarus, and then pardoned Alexander Lukashenko. Kriger was accused of allegedly, on the task of Ukrainian special services, he arrived in Belarus with the task of carrying out a terrorist attack on the railway.

It is also reported that the list includes American journalist Wall Street Journal Evan Gershkovich, sentenced to Russia on July 19 this year to 16 years in prison. Gershkovich was found guilty of charges that his journalistic trip to Yekaterinburg in March 2023 was not intended to perform journalistic work, but to collect information about the Russian Defense Plant. Moscow never provided evidence of his likely espionage.

Both the US Administration and the Wall Street Journal have repeatedly stated that Gershkovich was detained unfairly and that he was only engaged in journalistic activities in Russia. The last exchange of prisoners between the United States and Russia was held in early December 2022 at Abu Dhabi Airport. The American basketball player Britney Grainer was exchanged for a weapon of Viktor But.