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Among the items are spear tips, combat axes and non -identified iron tools. Rese...

They fought with Roman legionnaires: archaeologists found weapons of barbaric tribes (photo)

Among the items are spear tips, combat axes and non -identified iron tools. Researchers call the find one of the most interesting discoveries of recent years. Recently archaeologists have discovered extraordinary artifacts that shed new light on the ancient history of the region. They came across the probable weapon of Germanic tribes, which opened the window in the battle of the late Roman era, writes Ancient Origins. In focus, technology appeared its Telegram channel.

Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! Treasure seekers near Grubeshov found iron spears, two combat axes and an ax for felling of a tree, which are believed to come from Roman times. They could be used by warriors of barbaric tribes. Group of iron artifacts hunters for treasure were found in state forests near Grubeshov. Due to severe corrosion and a mixture of sand and dirt that covered the metal, it was not easy to identify these objects.

Exploring the forest area, the specialist found dozens of almost invisible iron relics hidden by corrosion and land. Later, they were transported for analysis to the Hrubeshiv Museum, where archaeologists worked to solve their secrets. The collection destroyed by the destructive influence of the time included: artifacts probably belonged to the barbaric tribes of the Roman Empire, possibly of Pshevo culture (1 century BC - 2/3 of BC) or Gothic culture (2 /3rd century AD - 5th century AD).

The circumstances of weapons preservation indicate deliberate concealment, deviation from traditional burial practices. It hints at the strategic adaptation of ancient peoples to the environment. "Who, in fact, decided to throw this set? Vandals? Goths? Let's wait for the final answer, but this is undoubtedly one of the most interesting discoveries of recent years," the Lublin Conservator's statement reads.

The find was reported to the voivodship department of monument protection, and it caused a stir in the archeological community. The museum in Grubeshev is now protecting these relics that are in conservation. This find has revived the discussions about the military traditions of the Goths, tribes known to not hide iron objects. Museum staff suggest that this find can represent a full arsenal of the Gothic tribe.

Conservation works are currently underway, and in the spring it is planned to visit this place, both scientists and locals are looking forward to new discoveries. This historical treasury promises to open the untouched head of the past, giving a rare view of the military life of ancient tribes that once roamed the lands of Hrubeshev. Earlier, Focus wrote about the search on the island of Klosteroi. In Norway, archaeologists have come across the Vikings market.