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First, I want to thank the Prime Minister of Iceland for organizing this summit-...

Russian threats with escalation should not weaken our determination - the presidential speech at the Ukrainian Summit - Northern Europe

First, I want to thank the Prime Minister of Iceland for organizing this summit-thank you for the invitation-the fourth meeting Ukraine-Northern Europe in this format. In my opinion, this is a successful format, and I am glad that it is developing. Dear friends! I thank you for your decisive support for Ukraine and compliance with the highest standards of fundamental assistance from your countries. Principles are the first thing dictators attack.

Various "Putin" around the world undermines principles in their societies through propaganda and repression so that people cannot defend what they believe in. And then, when the dictatorship gains power and receives enough resources, it tries to export its lack of principles, creating a "gray zone" devoid of values. Europe had to face it many times. We are now experiencing another decisive moment.

Russia tries to convince peoples that it is easy to concede - that they can ignore international law and close their eyes to injustice, if it allegedly brings stability. This is the main message of Moscow - Putin invites everyone to forget about their principles, not to show determination, to give Ukrainian land and people, and then, they say, Russian bombing will cease. But throughout the history every time such agreements were concluded, the threat returned even stronger.

Today we have a chance to win in Eastern Europe, so as not to fight on the north or other eastern fronts - in the Baltic and Poland, or in the south - in the Balkans, where it is easy to ignite a conflict, or in African countries, whose problems are much closer to European societies, the than it may seem. We must uphold international law and values ​​on which our societies are built. We have to be decisive. People matter. The law matters.

The borders of the states and the right of every nation to determine their own future are important. Although we know that Putin is threatening to leaders and countries who can help us force Russia to peace, we should not concede. Russian threats with escalation should not weaken our determination. Only determination - truly long -range - will put an end to the war. Not a conversation or someone's secret channels, but a determination. First.

I thank you for every defense assistance package to Ukraine. Every unit of weapons you provide helps protect a normal life-one that you live in your countries, here, in Iceland, or in any other society, a life that is no longer in Russia, where fundamental human rights have been taken. We are now experiencing a difficult period, in the third year of a full -scale war, and our soldiers need fresh forces on the forefront. That is why we are working on equipping our crews.

This is really important, this is a really urgent need. We are already working with other countries - France has helped equip one brigade, and I hope that today we will discuss how to help with other teams. We count on your joint support in this case. Second. I am grateful to Denmark and other partners who invest in weapons production in our domestic production in Ukraine.

Artillery, shells, drones-everything that Ukraine enables to defend itself despite any logistics delays from partners or changing political sentiment in the world capitals. We see that Putin is increasing the production of weapons, and the regimes-way, such as Pyongyan, help him with this. Next year, as far as we understand, Putin intends to match the EU in the production of ammunition. We can only prevent it from now.

That is why I urge you to increase investments in weapons production in Ukraine, including launches, drones and HPs, key tools for weakening Russian potential. I also urge you to invest in the purchase of artillery ammunition in third countries for our soldiers. This will help a lot on the front line. Our team will provide you with all the information about the countries that can supply these ammunition.

And we ask you to continue the development of your own industry, to produce everything necessary for defense, including sensitive components as chips. Europe needs industrial power and independence from other parts of the world. And, of course, we need to stop Putin's investment in the war. The shadow fleet enables Russia to bypass billions of dollars, and poses a serious and inevitable threat to the environment, as well as an international order based on the rules.

Without access to your territorial waters, much of the Putin tankers are worth nothing. Therefore, measures should be taken, and I especially turn to Denmark. We need to develop a strong strategy based on the general principles of international maritime law, the legal limits governing the Danish Straits and the obligations to protect the environment. Third. Invitation to NATO. We have already discussed this with Iceland Prime Minister.

And today we will have time to discuss very important things in detail. Principles always mean clarity - understanding what you believe, keeping promises and confidence that your words can be trusted. Ukraine has long been said that we have the same rights as any other democratic state in Europe. But is it really that? We are not talking about NATO's membership now, during the war.

We are only talking about the invitation to join NATO - a political decision that would ensure geopolitical clarity for Ukraine and all of Europe and, of course, would strengthen our diplomatic positions on Russia, when the second summit of peace will take place. It is quite obvious why NATO invitation is not the same as full membership in the Alliance. However, some leaders say it as if it were the same thing. They are asked about invitations, and they are responsible for membership. It's unfair.

It's just a way to say no. Ukraine deserves a honest answer, and I ask you to support this transparency. Please work with partners across Europe - especially in Berlin - so that we can achieve this geopolitical clarity. When Ukraine receives an invitation to NATO, it will become an insurmountable protective wall from the imperial ambitions of Russia. Russia should cease its aggressive behavior, and this begins with the abandonment of its ambitions against Ukraine.

Dear friends! Everything I just told you is part of the Victory Plan - along with other key measures necessary for our defense: containment of Russia, strengthening economic cooperation, imposing further sanctions against Russian aggression and more. All of you have this document. I urge you to support him, embody his points and help in our work with those partners who are still skeptical.