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According to US Secretary of State, Trump, an American politician, in the event ...

NATO and Land League Membership for 500 billion: WSJ assumed how Trump could finish war

According to US Secretary of State, Trump, an American politician, in the event of a re -election to the president, may not abandon Ukraine, but do everything to win. Kiev will receive all sorts of weapons, and from Moscow can eventually lift sanctions. Despite the conversation that US politician Donald Trump may stop supplying assistance to Ukraine if he or she has been referred to the US President, there are other opinions. Everything can follow the dramatically excellent scenario.

The Trump White House Expert Mike Pompeo and BGR Group Director, Legal Counsel at Torridon Law, David Urban, said this in the material for The Wall Street Journal. According to the authors, there is a lot of evidence that Donald Trump will choose another variant of events and assistance for Ukraine will continue.

As evidence in the article, he mentioned his decision in 2017, which canceled the embargo on the delivery of weapons, and Kiev received Javelin missiles, which played as a result not the last role in the first days of a full -scale invasion.

The authors of the article also called the administration of the current White House head Joe Baiden weak, because it allegedly led Ukraine to where it is now: with two years of a full -scale war, destroyed cities, hundreds of thousands of casualties and millions of refugees. "The White House does not have a victory strategy and the Americans are fairly concerned," the material reads.

Mike Pompeo and David Urban in the material noted that a successful plan for Ukraine may consist of the following points, if the post of president is a second time Donald Trump: all of the above steps should significantly strengthen the potential of Kiev, the authors of the material say. Accordingly, Donald Trump is allegedly receiving acceptable conditions for an agreement that "stops war immediately. " "Ukraine is building significant defensive forces to keep Russia ever again.

No one recognizes Russian occupation and annexation of Ukrainian territories - just as we have never recognized the Soviet occupation of the Baltic States and not recognized Eastern Germany until 1974. Crimea is demilitarized. Ukraine At the expense of reparations of frozen assets of the Central Bank of Russia, not the dollars of US taxpayers. NATO, for its part, should create a $ 100 billion weapons fund, and the US share will be 20%.

The EU will accept Kiev to its composition and help it modernize its economy. Sanctions against the Russian Federation will be gradually lifted if it fulfills all the conditions, and finally the restriction can be forgotten after Ukraine has become a full member of NATO and the EU. All these steps, continues Mike Pompeo, should put an end to the war and provide a strong peace.

"For those who doubt: the latter that Trump wants in the second term is a foreign policy failure that will distract from his internal agenda and compared to which the failed withdrawal of Biden troops from Afghanistan will have the appearance of success," the authors of the material summed up. We will remind, on July 25 it was reported that Donald Trump named two reasons that allowed Russian President Vladimir Putin to attack Ukraine.