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The enemy throws paratroopers, special forces and former prisoners. The army of ...

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is attacked not only in the forehead: what is the difficulty of the situation in the time ravine (map)

The enemy throws paratroopers, special forces and former prisoners. The army of the Russian Federation has an endless resource of living force, the destroyed occupiers are replaced by new ones, told fighters from the 24th Brigade. In the temporal ravine of Donetsk region there is a critically difficult situation. Ukrainian fighters restrain the enemy's offensive in difficult conditions.

This was reported in the press service of the 24th Separate Mechanized Brigade named after King Danylo in Telegram. "The time of the ravine. The situation is critically difficult. Warriors 24 of King Danylo's OMB, together with other units, continue to restrain the offensive of significantly prevailing enemy forces in extremely difficult conditions," the message reads.

The military said that the enemy was storming the temporal ravine of paratroopers, special forces and formerly lined from Storm-V units. In addition, the enemy attacks the forehead continuously and tries to bypass the city from the flanks. However, the resource of the living power of the Russians is infinite, because the destroyed occupiers are replaced by new ones. Instead, the defense forces require more firearms, unmanned aerial vehicles.

The fighters noted that the most fierce battles continue in the area of ​​the Siverskyi Donetsk Donbas channel, where the Russians are trying to destroy the settlement with all possible means, and they also use a large number of FPV-pings and discharges in Ukrainian. "We are standing, but there are also losses in our ranks. Eternal glory to fallen soldiers, sergeants and officers.

Let us take revenge," the soldiers said, adding that the battle was ongoing during the ravine, Ukrainians defend the city at the cost of titanic efforts. We will remind, on June 28, DeepState analysts reported that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation occupied the new (channel) neighborhood in the time ravine, but not all. In the General Staff of the Armed Forces, the Russians tried to displace units of Ukrainian fighters from the positions in the area of ​​the time ravine.