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According to one of the creators of the sealess drone, the first successful oper...

3 Phases of Attack: What Russian ships became the first "victims" of Ukrainian drone Magura V5

According to one of the creators of the sealess drone, the first successful operation in the Black Sea for the first time using this weapon was recorded in November last year. The drone quickly showed its efficiency and in a few months struck 4 targets. As a result of successful Ukrainian operations in Russia and in temporarily occupied territories, including the Crimean Peninsula, the enemy suffered tremendous losses.

Much happens due to the unique marine drone "Magura V5", which are in service with the General Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense (GUR MOU). The Ukrainian Truth material was told in more detail about the first "victims". The star time of Magura drones was last November. For example, on the night of November 10, they first fulfilled what they were created.

Next to the settlement, the Black Sea surveyed and destroyed the high -speed landing boats of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - "Serna" and "Shark". Magura showed their hunting character. The following missions of sea drones have already revealed their potential. For example, on February 1, at the bottom of the Black Sea, Ivanovets rocket boat was, and in two weeks, February 14, it was also joined by the large landing ship "Caesar Kunikov".

Accordingly, from November 2023 there are 4 drowning vessels at once. "If earlier the number of drones was smaller and the main task was to simply hit a warship, now they are already in groups of more Magura developers. During the first phase of the attack, the creator continues, it is necessary to immobilize the target, so the engine is mostly hit. Next, you need to impress the most vulnerable place of the ship, and which it will be determined when planning missions.

If such a blow was able to create a hole, then the following attacks will be applied again. The third phase is the final - to watch the object of the enemy in the world goes to the bottom. The cost of such Ukrainian development is high. No one calls the exact price, however, as journalists wrote, it is about millions of hryvnias for one copy. Even the head of GUR MOV Kirill Budanov, who regularly goes with fighters for the task, has never controlled "Magura". "I did not drive the drone.

It is a weapon, first of all. And a serious equipment that costs enough money of our taxpayers. I think everyone has to do their own business," Kirill Budanov explains. At the same time, despite the high cost of the sea drone, it is able to cause losses to the enemy, which is ten times higher than this amount. The effectiveness of such a decision was evaluated even in Moscow, when the shelling of the Iskander missiles was carried out by one of the production of drones.

Further, the location has already been changed. "You see, technologies are developing, the skill of operators is growing. I would like to tell you that these are only issues of our technologies and training. But sometimes the factors of the crew of the ship they work against A certain place. Yes, we are happy, but it is always happy to those who are prepared, " - said Kirill Budanov about sunk goals in the sea.

Most importantly, the head of Ukrainian intelligence continues, be able to adapt to changing situations on time and quickly and decide during the operation in which direction it is necessary to move. As an example, he cited the Caesar Kunikov ship, which was not the initial purpose of Ukrainians. They hunted for a group target, but a few hours before the ships began to change the location, so the plan was changed.

"The most important thing here is not to interfere with operators to act according to the plan. And when something goes on the plan, it is quickly made to make the decision what and how we do next. For example, about" Caesar Kunykov " - he was not the main purpose at first. But the conditions The work of the main goal changed during the mission itself, " - summed up Kirill Budanov.