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Agreeing about the Grain Corridor, Ukraine negotiated with Turkey, and in turn s...

Ukraine can agree on peace from the Russian Federation on the model of "grain corridor" - Zelensky

Agreeing about the Grain Corridor, Ukraine negotiated with Turkey, and in turn spoke with Russia. Zelensky is convinced that it can be done so by agreeing on peace. The war in Ukraine will not decide the idea that it is to give its territories of the Russian Federation. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said this in an interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer. The Ukrainian leader believes that Ukraine can agree on peace with Russia using the same model as they agreed on the "grain corridor".

"At that time, Ukraine was negotiating with the UN and Turkey, and they in turn - from the Russian Federation. Then it worked. Now it can be done with countries from different continents. So far, we have only such a model," Zelensky said. He also appreciated the so -called peace plan for Ukraine, which is offered by US presidential candidate Donald Trump. Zelensky is sure he will not work. "If Trump has such a model - to complete the war in 24 hours, then everyone would like to complete the war.

Maybe even an hour will be better. But if the idea is to give our territories, no, that's not, it will not solve. It will not work; He added that with his statements that he wants to stop military assistance to Ukraine and that the canning war can end in 24 hours, Trump gives Putin all he wants.

"The presidential candidate from the Republican Party said he would demand ceasefire on both sides and will make them" negotiate ", actually giving Putin what he wants and not allowing Ukraine to return more occupied lands. Not to mention Putin has violated all the arrangements between Russia and Ukraine over the last three decades, "Zelensky said.

The only possible negotiations that the Ukrainian president sees would be negotiations on the basis of his own peace plan, which provides for full withdrawal from Ukraine, reparation and justice for war crimes. The Ukrainian border will be established that a further Russian invasion will not cause a new war, and "the world will not be afraid that Putin will return again. " "We need safety. NATO membership is good not only for Ukraine; it will ensure the safety ", - said Zelensky.