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In two years, people who are in the trenches are tired because they do not work ...

The summons is not expensive to one end: the Armed Forces fighter stressed the need to replace people at the front (photo)

In two years, people who are in the trenches are tired because they do not work and wait for someone to change them. They also do not "road one way", they do not have to be there until the end of the war or until they kill, says a serviceman. The summons is not the way to one end, but with a neighbor like Russia, Ukrainians should prepare for what can be on the battlefield. The chief of staff of the 65th separate mechanized brigade Bogdan Pavlovich said this in an interview with Censor. NO.

During the two years of a full -scale war he managed to see and how bravely fight Ukrainians, and how frightenedly fled abroad. He believes that hostile IPSO is actively working in an effort to damage mobilization in Ukraine. "Enemy's IPSO works well, which constantly suggests that we all have bad, full of collapse that all mobilized are thrown" on meat ". . . A civil man sees everything and thinks that it is said to be one way.

My opinion, if a person understood what to fight for, he should see the result. We need to show more how we destroy the enemy. People have to see the positive - and we have we have, " - says the military. He added that at the beginning of a full -scale invasion of his unit was in Chernihiv region, when the locals came to the unit. "I will say this: all the people who were motivated, who wanted to defend the Motherland, came in 2022.

I was in the Chernihiv direction then, we went to the village, and the men came to me:" We are to you. I am a hunter, I have a gun. And he has a rifle. "I designed them, gave them away. These are people who wanted to defend Ukraine. They came to units immediately, in part, they did not go to military enlistment offices," Pavlovich said.

He added that when there is a great war in the state for 2 years, those who wanted to protect the country are already at the front, and the rest should understand that they have a duty to defend their homeland as men. "In the ninth grade we all get a prescribed certificate because we are men. And we have a duty: if you go to defend the Motherland in the ranks of the armed forces. For two years, people who are in the trenches are tired because They are not work. They wait for someone to change them.

They also do not "road one way", they don't have to be there until the end of the war or until they kill. They deserve a vacation but should be changed by someone. There. There There are servicemen who were injured two to three times, ten times were injured, "-says Bogdan Pavlovich. He added that he was preparing his children for war with Russia despite their age, because he believes that Ukraine, having such a neighbor as Russia, should follow the example of Israel.

"So far, I prepare my children to understand who the Russians are and how many grief they have caused our country. And our country at the moment must take an example from Israel. Where do we know - maybe tomorrow something in the head is shot. And from Belarus again we will come to us. We do not know: maybe Putin from Africa forgives all the tribes, will break them away to send them to send here? We must be ready for everything, " - says the serviceman.

He added that he was annoying when some Ukrainians say that they were unborn for war. "We are not born for war. Show me at least one woman who was specially pregnant to give birth to a baby for war. I don't know who came up with this phrase, but it is a full delusion. Life has determined that men have been protecting their family from ancient times her, protect their land. And the sooner you learn to be ready for war, the easier it will be on it.

So you don't have to wait for you to come or run after you. Look at Facebook - every brigade has your page. Choose a unit and go to defend the Motherland. And remember: a summons is not a road one way, "Pavlovich summed up. We will remind that in Odesa the wolves prevented the evasion of escape to Moldova. They drove it to a tree and made it surrender to the border guards. Odessa illegally made his way from abroad to Ukraine.